Presently guild has a few members. I’m a semi-professional raider since Legion looking to play with like minded players who care about parses, performance, positioning etc. I’m not the typical player who wants to endlessly farm new content. I believe in bringing your best to the current content and completing it in a reasonable time before the next patch is out and preferably before any other guild on the server gets to it.
I’m looking for players who have a great emphasis on self-awareness, ability to be self critical and flexible when it comes to learning and trying different things. You don’t need a PHD and an abnormally high IQ to join this guild. Just being present in the moment and taking it seriously is all that is required.
There are plenty of guilds out there, but this one will be the guild that gets 9/9M before the next patch. I want to start recruiting now in preperation for the next tier of raiding and beyond.
If you think you have what it takes to push yourself to be at the absolute pinnacle of performance then leave me a message in my inbox Gladïus-runetotem or alt. add me on Nirud#1644 for further information.
No application required. Just send me your best logs of when you raided competitively and i’ll take a look at it. If you want to join and get better there are options for that as well. Only people who want to raid will be joining us. Raid times have no set schedule but you can safely assume they will be sometime after 5pm MST. It will depend on what works for the core raiding group and if they are flexible to raid on weekends as well. Your input will help mold this guild into the future.
I look forward to hearing from you and best of luck out there.