The Deeprun Tram is the most powerful strategic asset on Azeroth

That’s the annoying thing about the Vindicaar. To the point i almost wish it would have been destroyed on our way back from Argus. It’s obvious from a story point why it’s not being used by the Alliance. But it’s annoying that the Alliance has a “superweapon” yet can’t use it because reasons.

Also the fact the Alliance still has no counter to the blight and wasn’t prepared to defend against it when they laid siege to Lordaeron. Leading up to that i was thinking there would have been some counter or defense for it. Even if it was in the form of the Lightforged being able to defend against it with some of their armory/light stuff.

Look at Gnomeregan and Mechagon, look at Kezan, these places are basically sci fi compared to most of the rest of the WoW world. It’s insane the difference in the technology and the quality of life. I honestly think it exceeds Legion and Draenei tech as well.

And yea having no defense against the blight makes no sense at all. Especially when the Gnomes have developed gas masks and ways to neutralize biological agents, it’s like their entire damn story for all of WoW. The blight should be a speed bump for them.


Well, they specialize in radiation defense, not so much toxic gases and biological agents though they have a little experience with those but I wouldn’t put up that against the Blight.

Part of their story is literally pumping dangerous gasses out of Gnomeregan and neutralizing it to allow for them to re-inhabit the city. Literally what happened to Gnomeregan was caused by gasses, radioactive gasses sure, but they were gasses. And they’ve successfully done this for a few portions of it, even while fighting the lepergnomes and troggs. They can deal with gasses just fine.

I was just mentioning that the Blight isn’t just gas. It’s worse if inhaled obviously but it still has a deleterious effect from simple exposure. The Blight is nothing like Radioactive gases.

I’m not saying the Gnomes COULDN’T of found a counter to is if they have the opportunity to study it but I’m not sure they ever had that opportunity.

Though the use of the blight is … inconsistent… it is always possible that the Alliance was simply unable to outfit their entire army with gas masks, or that the gas masks alone are not enough, and there is some chemical agent that is inside the gas mask that renders one inured to the effects of the blight while being breathed.

I’d like to imagine there’s some resource constraint, or cost inhibition, or other complexity which is why they didn’t take even gas masks into the fight other than the Occam’s Razor approach.

I don’t fault Anduin for not anticipating that Sylvanas would use the blight on the field while her own forces were still there, but it’s still dumb that he apparently didn’t anticipate it at all.


Hello there, so I am also very interested in the Deeprun Tram, and am working on a graduate project that is related to it. I was wondering if I might be able to contact you for your input on the topic and if you think there might be anything to add to it? My discord is TheSilverOgre#9170 if that might be possible. Either way, thank you for your time and have a great day.

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Every month, a gnomish intern approaches Anduin’s court to perform a presentation about how important a cultural and strategic asset the Deeprun Tram is. Each month, Anduin scratches his head and hands the gnome a bulging pouch of gold. Each month, that gnome uses the kingdom’s investment to keep the tram running… and to cover FREE ROUNDS AT THE BRAWLPUB COURTESY OF BIZMO AND CO. KEEP YOUR HEART PUMPING BETWEEN ROUNDS WITH FREE MUGS FOR RETURNING CHAMPIONS

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We were supposed to get that with the spider kingdom beneath Northrend. That got reduced to a pair of dungeons.

I would think the Lightforge’s space ship who can nuke cities from orbit has to be pretty much on top of the list of strategic military asset.

Yeah but blizzard prefers to pretend that it no longer exists. Otherwise something like the War of thorns probably would’ve had a different ending.


It’s too bad the Alliance aren’t allowed to use their own super weapons.


I too have been taken by the tram’s interesting (and at times confusing) details… I just read thru this discussion (as this is my first time posting). Here is what I’ve noted (as I investigated the tram and it’s mysteries). we can only wait to see if any of our guesses are anything more then daydreams.

First let me say, there is a lot I don’t know, my highest character is not yet 40. so I’m sure I’ll learn better as I level up.

Item 1: There seems to be evidence of a 2nd tram.
In Bizmo’s Brawlpubr, there is a tram running thru the back wall, but this is not inline with the two rails we see above. it suggest to me a 2nd set of cars running under the cars we see above (this could be a “shipping line” or going elsewhere) As you enter the bar there is a alcove left as you enter… dose this open up to anything? Like the Ticket booths upstairs you can look in, but not access. this could access lower levels of the tram structure… and maybe ever to the underground lake zone???

That brings up the second item, The Underground lake, which is the main topic that got me interested in this line of investigating the tram. I’ve found “potential” evidence and possible places entry points could be added…(outside the Tram zone). and a few things I’ve also come across (even as a lower level player) that suggest more “potential points of expansion” .

I took a night and swam the inlet between Ironforg and Stormwind. and no “nessy” anywhere to be found ( but I had to look.) I then focused on where in the two cities could access be “added”?

Lets start with “WATER”, if this is an underground lake where is the water coming and going to? you can always have it “leave” down a deep well to the center of the planet, but where’s is coming from? I believe I found where in both cities it could be accessed via a water paths;
… in IronForge the obvious one is the pond in the fore lore caverns ( this would also explain how fish get into a landlocked pool of water, they swim up, players would have swim down)
… in Stormwind Olivia’s Pond. it’s constantly being feed by two waterfalls, but the water level is not rising… where is all that water going? maybe to the “Tram Lake”.

Then I looked for ways to access for non-water breathers…
… in Ironforge, across from the tram the big bomb looking thing. on the left the is a space goes all the way back to the wall, no door (at least yet). (had to use a rouge with Grappling hook to find it)
… In Stormwind, (and I was told this use to go somewhere by a friend). on the little pool West of the main castle drawbridge, there is a gated doorway. you can see stairs going downward in 3-D… (and how classic to have a hidden access point just outside the castle walls).

and finally ( as I like the unexpected, where would be the most “SURPRISE” place to hide an entrance:
… in Ironforge, in the military ward. there is a group of tanks, and two doors… One points toward the Tram (kind of) and opening it would be like the big door in the thorne room, just simple have it opened.
[[ TANGENT POINT: the other door in this room, looks to be in the direction of the airport… hummmm there is a tunnel entrance at the airport, pointing back toward Ironforge ]]
in Stormwind, behind the main castle there is a little water way, a waterfall, and good fishing… (I so want there to be a tunnel hidden by a waterfall somewhere).

I know my post is long winded, but I have given this a lot of thought and want to see if anyone else has seen these things, or is it just my overactive imagination (Smile).

I conclude with one finial “set of observations” could the BIG BANK VAULTS be hidden doorways [Dwarven District in Stromwind]. Each bank has a huge door which are never open. and altho the tellers area in stormwind banks are not accessible, why are the cage windows in Ironforge big enough you can walk behind the tellers??? maybe so player can get to both vaults, for some future opening??? (or is there a “bank job” quest I’m yet to play???)

Well I hope this give everyone somethings to think about. I know I’m out in left field a bit, but just maybe I’m not alone out here???

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Nessy was there in vanilla. The tram traveled beneath a dwarf zone I forgot the name of. Maybe Loch Modann?

Between this, the spaceships, and the magic navy Alliance post-BfA is ridiculously powerful. Which I suppose makes sense if you look at the history and everything leading up to this point. The technological advancements, all its strongholds, mastery of every type of magic plus if we add up all its holdings thought out Azeroth, I would make the case its probably the strongest force in the universe.

The former strongest most would agree was the Legion, Black Empire, and Mawsworn and with the Horde’s help, these three were just defeated. With that, now that the Horde is no longer fighting the Alliance (and probably won’t again) it stands to reason one day far off the Horde could very well ally with the Alliance making it even stronger.


Reminder that the Alliance needed Saurfang’s rebels to have a chance against Sylvanas and all her forces peacefully re-integrated with Saurfang’s rebels without any major loss of life.


On the surface this would seem like exaggeration, but on second thought, I can’t imagine anything being able to withstand the faction that Anduin and Jaina belong to.


Every mythic raid, according to the leaderboards.

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Which is why i said: