The Death Strike situation

I define to weak by how im unable to outsustain nearly every single class i should be out sustaining simply because our CD heals are as strong as their non cd heals and our non cd heal is literally even on paper way to low of a % in health to justify the RP cost

Sac and LB heals are great i agree but theyre CDs and their main purpose should be to heal when you are unable to death strike. Funny enough LB isnt even always used for healing either so its not completely fair to consider it as purely a healing CD when its really not

Pet sac imo is just bloat. It doesnt do anything that LB doesnt already do for us and really its only there just because blizzard wanted to give us more “dk abilities” and didnt know how to make ghoul worth for frost

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doing one to one comparisons like this doesnt really work. we have to look at the entire kit. and rets do not do more damage than frost dk.

same as i said before, and enhance do not do more damage than frost dk.

death strike is fine in its current iteration.

ya but… WHY should u be? Chillkills deems it so, so it must be true?


Yes they do, Maybe not enhance but ret definitely does do more damage than FDK

Dont let end game damage meters decieve you, the majority of our “damage” is still frost fever and passive fluff cleave that doesnt actually do anything to “pressure” the healer

The rest of it is chillstreak damage which is way to strong IMO and sometimes even that isnt even effective damage seeing as it can bounce on pets.

Example, vs monk if i chillstreak its likely going to hit the targets i need it to hit maybe 1 single time, because for the rest of the duration itll hit monk images or pets and disperse the damage

So yeah the damage still happened but not on anybody it needed to happen on and its going to appear like the dk was bringing massive damage when really he brought okay damage


i like how the community is very obvious that they are aware of how bad DK’s are across all content, that they wont even invite us to stuff unless we severely outgear the content, or have higher CR.

But when it comes to talking about it, “DK’s are fine, get good”.
Then they tab back into game and continue to shun DK’s.

Our whole class is in MW monk status.

I literally get this response 50+ times a day.
“Sorry, i wont play with a DK.”
Whether its M+, or PvP.

Look at my M+ clears and ilvl.
Would you believe i get denied from 90% of the +10 HoA’s that i sign up to?
Cuz i do.


spread damage is still a win condition, but nice try downplaying f dk massiave damage. :roll_eyes:

f dk was literally played at the awc. there’s not much more to say about it then that.

dks were played in the awc and mdi? so this narrative that dks are weak and need buffs has already been disproven. they are literally a top tier pick in the highest level of plays.

:roll_eyes: sorry, the data shows otherwise

Because by blizzards own definition and design on death knight i should be

Its not really about chillkills its about DKs in general

Why should enhance shamans and shadow priests and WW monks, and feral druids out sustain a death knight?

" They drag foes into one-on-one conflicts, compelling them to focus their attacks away from weaker companions" Oh so what i can get from this is that my class by design should be forcing people to focus me, which suggests that I should be able to handle the damage they deal to me by my self

Literally we can dumb this down even more and make it about how a plate wearing lowuptime class is being outhealed and out damaged in a 1v1 by leather wearing high uptime class with stealth multiple forms of CC on demand bear form stronger wall and bark


You do realise Mes got benched BECAUSE DK was holding them back, right?
oooo he played DK into a comp that it counters and won with the best WW monk in the world carrying him. AND STILL GOT BENCHED FOR THE REST OF AWC.
Mes even says he doesnt play his DK, and plays Prot pal instead because DK is garbage.

And what data? Our 2% representation?
Are u serious or just spouting random talking points youve seen in other threads?


And then benched when it stopped working into comps that its literally designed to counter

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you gotta explain how ret does not do more damage than a FDK because i’ve literrally sat on a healer in BG for 30 seconds on my FDK and did nothing only to watch a ret crusade over next to me pop wings touch the healer and he dies :rofl:

You gonna have to explain yourself sir

No its not a win condition you monkey. Maybe a long time ago rot damage was a win condition but if you think rot damage is a win condtion nowdays especially on frost dk all that does is show how little you actually know about frost dk and how youve clearly never actually played a frost dk this expansion and have all your opinions formulated around gameplay you watched likely by the literal best frost dk in the US which is EVEN STILL hardly what you should be basing balance off of

To top it all off youre level 20 and a rogue in the DK forums go troll somewhere else

man imagine thinking their RP descriptions have any bearing on gameplay

what a lost cause

He thinks frost fever ticking on literally every target in the arena for 900 over the course of 3-4 minutes is insane damage just because the end score board has dk on the top

Meanwhile ret pops wings and hits a divine toll and TV for 30k in 2 seconds


Cmon man that Frost Fever damage on all those clones and pets is definitely relevant. Lol


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Imagine thinking you arent playing a mmoRPG

Imagine thinking just because they add RP flavor text to their class descriptions that it isnt still a description of the class and what they had in mind designing it

And im the lost cause right?

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LMAO FDK rot does not create a win condition :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I mean- the RP description should be vaguely accurate.
To insinuate the class is one thing, only to have it be the complete opposite is…false advertising.

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the fact that dk was picked in both the mdi and awc, tournaments designed for the top level of play. that data. :woman_shrugging:t6:

f dk has spread damage that adds up over time. ret has burst. one is good at killing healers. the other is good at killing entire teams.

it most certainly is. spread damage adds up overtime, and eventually becomes unmanageable for the healer to deal with. paired with an optimal partner dk is an A tier class. lets not even get into walking dead, which is the best comp in the game right now.

post on a lvl 60 of any class because I don’t think you are playing the game at max level if you think FDK rot is a threat. You clearly have never played a FDK or played against one.