The Death of a Friend...remembering The Dalaran Well. *Minor SPOILERS*

I mostly just take care of my feet…a little wash, a little soap, rub dry, powder with corn starch.

I mean Dalaran’s 100% getting rebuilt for the Last Titan. No way we’re going to Northrend again without Dalaran, calling it now.

It only took them about 5-6 canonical years to rebuild Dalaran between Warcraft 3 and WotLK. Probably will be a similar time to fix it for the Last Titan. Maybe it’ll even be improved.

Or maybe theyll learn and send in Acherus

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I kind of don’t want them to rebuild Dalaran, and hear me out before we get the pitchforks and torches.

Dalaran was a great concept, a city of Mages that created a universal training system for the sorcerers, mages, wizards and the like of Man, Elf and Gnome, but also declared themselves the sole arbiters of what those who used the Arcane could and couldn’t do.

On the one hand, this was great because it created a standardized learning system for the arcane, compiled all that lore, theory and history in a universally accessible way and actively policed their members for improper use of magic to help stop future monsters polymorphing people into fish and letting them suffocate on land, that kind of thing.

On the other hand, there were state (Dalaran’s state) sanctioned kill-squads that would roll up on people using magic in a way that Dalaran didn’t approve of and would just murk folks on sight, regardless of the reason or the affiliation of their targets, especially when it came to the use of Portals, and we’ve seen under previous Council of Six’s, fully willing to engage in race-based ‘politics’ due to both internal and external pressures, imprison former allies without a fair trial and threaten non-allies with extreme sanctions and/or magical harassment for not conceding to Dalaran’s self-imposed mandates on the ‘correct’ use of the Arcane.

I know Dalaran is going to be rebuilt, but I’m also of the opinion that, maybe, we’ve outgrown it.

The Alliance certainly might want to rebuild it, but that would be under their umbrella, and their control, and Dalaran as it stands, and with who remains of the Council, might object to that because becoming Neutral allowed Dalaran to fully embrace its mandate to all kingdoms and groups across the world without it being a Human/Elf dominated cause. If the Alliance forces the issue that Dalaran is an Alliance Kingdom and will fall in line under their cause, we could see a splintering of the Dalaran survivors between those who want the security and protection of a Mega-Faction at their back, and those who want to continue to pursue the study and policing of the Arcane free of racially-motivated politics and Human/Elf-first agendas.

On the other hand, the Horde certainly benefitted from Dalaran going neutral, but now? They have the Sin’dorei and the Shal’dorei. The Zandalari and Goblins have their own arcane traditions. Almost every race and culture amongst the Horde has their share of mages, either new to the profession or coming from thousands of years of cultural precedents and traditions. Even if the Horde lost access to Dalaran, they still have their own arcane traditions and if push came to shove, could easily form their own universal school of arcane magic to train and compile their own magical studies and theories. At the same point, access to Dalaran, or a Dalaran-like entity, gave the Horde tremendous political options that they otherwise would have never had, and it behooves the Horde Council’s current peaceful and co-operative stance to rebuild Dalaran as it was, at least in a political way.

I could fully see the Alliance trying to claim Dalaran is theirs and throwing a small fortune at rebuilding it within a nexus of power within Alliance territory, likely Arathai or somewhere in the Plaguelands, while the Horde quietly builds their own within Quel’thalas or even repurposing a wing of Suramar City to the role, while also openly sending a great deal of supplies and manpower to assist the Dalaran survivors rebuild their city, which might end up being built around and into the Dalaran Crater in the Eastern Kingdoms, or maybe a smaller, floating structure. Given the damage, it is highly unlikely that Dalaran will ever be the powerhouse it once was, but the return is likely more symbolic than practical at this point.

Hear me out.

We take the Vindicaar and we put Silvermoon (at least the Court of the Sun) on top of it.

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Hear me out.

The Gnomes head to the Isle of Dorn, collect what’s left of Dalaran and build a new floating city, “Gnome-alan” and fly away from Azeroth for good.


Please take me with you


They’ll suffocate in space Thokk so, you know, just let them be.

At least when they manage to melt down “Gnome-alan” it will be far, far away from Azeroth.

I think we should stop using Dalaran as a home base for everything infact, I hereby offer my Future Zeppelin “The Iron Vulture” as the next expansions home base for the Horde.

Just as soon as @Topsail and his various contractors finish building it.

I didn’t know Topsail was a contractor.

Dalaran was fun when you could abuse a quest mob and hearth them to the city with you to explode people off the landing area.

Or when Lil XT’s voice lines echoed through the entire zone every time it destroyed someone else’s robot pet