Thanks to grotesque bonuses for being an essential employee, I was finally able to justify buying the entire series of Babylon 5, series, movies, and Crusade spinoff. It’s absolutely how tight a narrative serial the whole thing is, 15 years before the BSG remake made serials in TV scifi a “standard”
10 years after the Earth-Mimbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream given form. Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where Humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully. It’s a port of call – home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five-hundred thousand tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it’s our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.
How much of it have you watched? Yes, the CGI is dated and a lot of the cast has passed away but it is my go to for best Sci-Fi series. Mostly because as grounded in reality as it is, it’s not afraid to play with myth of destiny. I’d post more reasons why but I don’t want to drop any spoilers.
I grew up on it, and a longtime friend of mine had the complete series on a HD so we watched it a few years back, but now it’s MINE.
So are you a fasten then zip or zip then fasten?
Babylon 5 is the greatest scifi series ever made in my opinion!
[Londo and G’Kar’s arrive on Babylon 5 during a celebration.]
Londo Mollari: So Doctor…who died?
Stephen Franklin [confused]: What are you talking about?
Londo Mollari: Among my people this is how we celebrate state funerals. Our marriage ceremonies are solemn, sober. Moments of reflection…also regret, disagreement, argument and mutual recrimination. Once you know it can’t get any worse you can sit back and enjoy the marriage. But to start with something like this? No, it is a very bad sign for the future.
[Franklin and Garabaldi walk off.]
Londo Mollari: Perhaps it is something I said?
G’Kar: Perhaps it is everything you say.
Londo and G’kar, trapped in a lift
G’kar-“So do I! cackles”
That show was lightyears ahead. Like government and news. Show was well done, first season was a prelude, and the final season was the epilog. Londo, Jakar and Vir were my favorite characters on the show.
Vir to Morden’s “as a reminder that some favors come with too high a price” might be one of the most chilling “kicked the woobie too far” moments ever where someone wasn’t immediately killed.
I went through the series for the first time last year and was blown away. It will be something that sticks with me.
Sad news all. RiP Mira Furlan. She played Minbari Ambassador Delenn and Danielle Rousseau from Lost. She passed away Friday from complications from West Nile Virus at the age of 65.
Arguably the heart of the main cast. Delenn was such a positive character with her own moral greys that made for repeat viewing such a pleasure. And who didn’t laugh when she asked Ivanova for help with her hair? A sad loss for all of us as she joins so many others beyond the Rim.
Not only has it been true for years that more TOS cast were alive than B5 cast? It’s also now true that more principle B5 cast have become stardust, than are still with us. We are all of us now more alone in the night.