The Dampening "band-aid" needs to be reworked

Dampening is outdated and needs to be removed or another rework. Why should healers get a flat 10% healing nerf when the gates open. Shielding defensives become so weak that they feel useless. We can’t even get through 1 round of CDs before its ramped up to 40%. I know when dampening was introduced games were a lot slower and would drag on but damage and burst is really high right now. I would like to see what games are like without dampening. Feels more skill based when it becomes a mana war with healers.


you have a lot of weirdos on this forum that actually like or think it’s healthy for the game so this won’t go anywhere unfortunately


How about instead of the bad feeling of healing being nerfed throughout a game. We increase damage and healing done but at a slower rate? ex. 5% more dmg/heals every 30 sec?

Dampening is a bandaid that has been around for 10 years and more or less does it’s job.

Ideally I’d prefer if dampening was applied in 3s at the same rate it is in Shuffle. Feel like games have a better pace overall if that’s the case, although I’d also be okay with not allowing drinking in 3s either tbh.

Dampening was an awful solution because of poor balancing, but go have a walk through a few BGs to be reminded why dampening is absolutely necessary until Blizzard can actually make competent changes, which will happen in about… never.

If healers had to actually manage their mana and it wouldn’t take 5+ mins to run out, things would be a lot simpler…

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I support your petition to bring back mana burn / drain mana / viper sting / new ones to be introduced 11.0.5

Yay so only a few select can burn mana, screw everyone else

Things need to die. Since arena is a deathmatch mode with no objective, you have to be able to secure kills. Without dampening, you’d just have the tankiest comps slamming their heads into eachother for 15 minutes and nothing would die, which wouldn’t be fun for anyone (see BFA).


It could maybe work if they revert the crit damage in pvp nerf, but then people would complain about getting randomly globalled. There’s no real nice way to have games end quickly in a way that keeps everyone happy without switching to an extremely burst-friendly meta

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No Crystal news to no one but you can’t read

Everyone is getting some form as 20th Anniversay tuning spell names just haven’t been announced yet. Check the notes

Make mana matter again by reducing healer mana regen and remove dampening entirely. Healers eventually running out = things dying. Ideally ~2 mins.

Games will be decided by the dps who pressure healers to spend more and by healers who can manage their mana better than the other healer.

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Yeah well now the result is that throughput healers are entirely irrelevant unless they are overturned into the high heavens.

Example: Disc Priest & Holy Paladin.

Either each healing class needs a DR or they need to fix this.

I really don’t think this is inherently the case, though. I think the biggest issues the throughput healers have atm is their mana efficiency is too low. If you were to buff rdruid and rsham mana you’d see a LOT more of both of them. MW definitely has some design functionality issues, though, I’ll give you that.

Also, hpriest isn’t even bad, it’s just not disc priest.

weak shields? Why does disc literally press PWS on someone at 40% hp and suddenly their whole HP bar is shielded?

I don’t think you can change dampening without deleting healers… even with how things are tuned now below 2k an embarrassing amount of healers fold from being pressured by a single dps. Queues would sky rocket.

Because all 4 of those throughput healers have an issue that Disc and HPala don’t… Damage Reduction or mitigation. No amount of Mana is going to offset a full send at 40% dampening when PS is a 40% DR and castable in stun. At least BoP/Spell Warding is purgeable, but that’s besides the point as that’s a full immunity.

HPriest and MW don’t have huge design problems, they have a dampening design problem.

Something has to be worked out. Whether that’s adding dampening to things like PS and crushing Disc/HPala/Evoker mana… or buffing the living hell out of HPriest and MW because those two are always at the bottom unless extremely over tuned. Which is also rare.

Good question. I know my resto shaman bulwark totem becomes useless 1 minute into a game