The Current Story & Warcraft 4

Do you think that the current state of the story/game can allow for Wow to exist and still also allow for Warcraft 4 to happen? “The Real 4th War”.

Since the Horde and Alliance are being “all buddy buddy”…maybe certain leaders and factions with-in the Alliance and Horde armies would retaliate and/or start a new war for all the things that have been done. “Genn GreyMane” takes a army and burns a horde capitol city for destroying the night elf city and thus starts the 4th war.

PS: TO ALL YOU BLOOD ELFS…you were killed by the horde for countless years in 3 different wars…yet they join the horde for no reason other than to get players to play Horde in TBC…just a reminder you are all traitors and the Alliance will deal with you as such.

I think there is room for both games and could even drive WoW in a nice new direction.

I think all the Elves could join together to form the Elf Army and then somehow rebuild up the undead army and give them a new leader and then you have the 4 factions again.

In the World of WoW, everyone who is not involved with the war…is all on one side and deals with the threats of the Universe/World.

Thoughts? Would love to see Warcraft 4.

There is a new game coming out, Stormgate I think, from creators of Starcraft and Warcraft 3 that looks interesting. Since most Devs these days that created all that we have know, left Blizzard to “greener grasses”.


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Wow is WC 4. There’s no need for another WC RTS game because RTS’s are mostly dead now unless they’re based on irl history.

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I would disagree with this since like no effort has been put into PvP for 10 years or more.

And based on IRL History? Are you meaning Age of the Empires? Have you played that online my friend? One match against other good players, can take over 2 hours…one single game…2 hours +…lol

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warcraft 4 is never going to happen imo.


Warcraft 4 should tell the tale of a glorious piggeh who was the chunkiest piglet in the litter and who the other piggehs laughed at for being a lil chonk. He persevered though and went on to be amazing!

Warcraft 4: Rise of Hogrus.


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I would love a WC4 that goes into more detail about stuff that’s happened behind the scenes in WoW

Like an RTS that goes through the Fourth War and lays out all the stuff that our mission table just hinted at - clashes between the Horde and Alliance all over the world, that we never got to see in game.


The bigger problem for a Warcraft 4 is the profitability of RTS games when compared to the profitability of games Blizzard could be making instead of Warcraft 4.

That is the thing that’s stopping Warcraft 4 from being made, nothing else.

When you say Warcraft 4 are you asking if they could do a new RTS version of the game? That would be a different question than asking about another Alliance v Horde war.

No, WoW will be where WarCraft continues from now on, I could see them maybe remastering or even remaking WarCraft 1&2 some day but that’s it. If Blizz ever makes a NEW RTS game it’ll almost certainly be a StarCraft game.

They did say in a recent interview that they’re interested in the Warcraft franchise expanding beyond just WoW. Time will tell if they just meant Rumble, or if there’s plans in the works to make other games like a new RTS.