The current AH scam, arbitrage bots

The Auction House is amazing and I don’t want to see it changed. I’ve been having very, very good luck with profits, even with the region wide change. My margins are lower now but my volume is quite a bit higher and I’m still making tokens a day :smiley:

Don’t worry, it’s totally gonna sort itself out lol, just stop complaining and maybe buy a few tokens, treat yourself to a nice pig mount or carry through mythic fated.

The best part about spending gold is knowing you can skip a lot of the stressful stuff :smiley:

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Oh yes, indeed, paying not to play the game you pay to play. A bold strategy, if I so may say.


I don’t pay any real money to play if that’s what you’re wondering. I make several tokens+ day to cover the expenses.

the auction house just isn’t updating fast enough so that price stays there even when the item is gone.

or they could just ignore the people complaining about this because it isn’t an issue

I think I saw news they were going to, but I don’t know if they have or not yet. I know I’ve seen people going off about people running that in emulators so that they can bot without Warden detection or something, but that seems a bit jump to conclusiony for me.

Though I did think about it, and wonder if you could break down the communications so you could make your own pseudo-client that would bot all the calls. Probably take a bit to accomplish to be fair. I also wondered how I could prevent something like that, as I’ve never had to secure access to any system I have to fight automation. Usually automation is good after all, it’s only bad when it comes to games!

And I still haven’t worked out how I would do so. Everything I come up with in my head, I can also circumvent somehow if I were motivated enough.

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I don’t really understand the issue people are having either. Nothing significant has changed for me with the Auction House, other than I have more customers! So I must be misunderstanding something.

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I suspect some people are used to controlling the AH on their servers and this new one makes it difficult. I am selling more than I normally do as well and I just post and walk away. And I never post at the lowest price either.

If there is a fast moving item and there are less than 100 at a lower price I will price it with the first large grouping.


I generally move all my sellable stuff to my bank alt once a month or so and just post everything at once. Stuff was selling as quick as I could list it.


Something is off about that one leather item for sale at 1g54s from someone on Stormrage. You can’t ever buy it, but you can buy others. If you watch it and see people posting at that price, you can watch the quantity of the stack go down. Until it hits that last piece.

Which never goes away. So the AH is updating, but that one piece remains unbuyable. Either it’s broken and can’t be bought or it’s being replaced in under a second. Something is off though, and given all the changes, I expect it’s bugged.

Don’t believe me? Fine. I challenge you to buy the listing yourself and see that things are wonky.

FWIW, I posted some of the leather I bought in testing(…from other people, never that auction) at a higher price point. Saw it in the listing, saw it sell, saw the listing update, and the “broken” listing was still there.

So it’s not just the AH not updating fast enough.

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Sounds like people need to pay attention to what price they are posting stuff at but I assume this is TSM, auctionator and sniper people all addon PvPing with each other. I just post my stuff like normal and go about my business and even if people undercut there’s enough being sold that my stuff sells anyway.

I already tried that - it is bugged. If it was a bot there would be no need to price it lower to sell.

However, you replied to this post with that rant

That wasn’t a rant?

I was commenting on your previous post talking about it not updating, and replied to that post because in relation to that because it’s not just “people used to controlling the AH”.


It sure was a rant and I am putting you on ignore now because I find your constant nattering at me annoying.

thats called ‘flipping’ guy…and lots of us do it to make gold.

And I will miss nothing of value. Have a great life thinking everyone around is ranting and angry all the time.


So report them.

I used to sit here with two games running, one to play, the other to run AH scans every 14 seconds all day long…MANUALLY.
sorry guy, but a determined player can mimic just about anything a bot can do.