The Curious case of Wolfenstein, AV and Player Perception

I cannot see another reason why Alliance would dominate AV so completely in Vanilla and be dominated so completely here in Classic.

Okay, let’s change the sound effects and put the Horde cave where it belongs at the southern end of the map. Or failing that, swap the Alliance cave with the harpy cave to mirror the location of the Horde cave.

That change alone would be pretty huge.

Don’t forget that the top end ally players don’t pug AV anymore. You are also bringing in a mixture of Grade A, B, and C players, while ally only has Grade B and C players in these matches and most of them have 60% mounts.

This is fair. I agree with this too.

I have literally seen 5+ ally players get wrecked by 2 undead mages because they are trying to just ride past them on slow mounts.

Well, if you never fight back then it doesn’t matter your mount speed…especially vrs mages who can dismount you =P…but I understand what you’re saying. I too have seen Alliance just die on their mounts zerging Drek until they eat-dirt.

Well the issue is that the epic mount players are already at Galv, while the slow mount players are getting picked off 2-3 at a time by mages and rogues trying to catch up with the fast mount players. This issue has just gotten worse because in the past ally could still win because with premades, they could make sure that they at least had enough to kill drek. Now you have like 8 players with fast mounts and the rest all slow mounts but are trying same strats even though you cant kill drek with 8 especially with horde defending.

The issue is that they’re just trying to zerg instead of fighting.

They lose the fights too. WSG is where the good ally are atm.

Sure fear ward is common in raid… not in PvP lol. It would literally be impossible for a dwarf priest to fear ward 40 people before the av gates drop.

In general, rankers and pugs are not flasking in PvP. If they hit a premade team that’s equal, after the first battle one side will likely not Rez until it’s over so they can go back to crushing pugs.

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Wow, really?

Do you have any examples that actually apply, like when two things are not the same? You know, like a map that is not a mirror?

Doesn’t matter. It is absolutely impossible to keep the whole raid fear warded throughout the entire game.