Like, I don’t even want to get other players to craft stuff for me because i know its not gonna be the tier i want it…i rather just level all the professions myself and not rely on outside aid at all, i understand blizzard is trying, but putting in 20k+ gold of mats to get a tier 3/4 weapon is kinda just frustrating
Do you know you can use personal crafting order where you can set minimum quality of the craft?
Public orders dont have it.
The public orders system should not be used for items in which a certain quality is desired. For that you need to use personal orders. Maybe we just need to have a quest like the one in DF every expansion to remind players of this.
But you’re right, if you don’t like that and you don’t want to ask in trade you can always make it yourself. If I have something I can’t make, I just roll a new 70 crafter and it’s ready to make the thing in a few hours. It doesn’t even take 3 weeks like DF used to. It only took me 5 days to get master of all this expansion. Took me a little over a month in DF to do the same. Cost me more in DF as well. This time I actually made gold while leveling.
I’m glad you have figured out the not-so-secret secret that you can make everything yourself though.
Happy crafting!
yeah, its the only thing i use now is personal, there is no point to using the public portion, which is why i made this post lol
Ok, it just sounded like you dont know about personal ones.
Why did you use public ones in the first place?
Plenty of reason to use public orders just not for items with quality levels. Treatises, bags, crests, toys, for example.
I use the public order system to fish for crafters to hit up for personal orders. I put in an order with cheaper mats (usually rank 2) and see who fills it then I try and hit them up to do a recraft with better mats.
This whole system just needs to be re-thought and reworked.
I think public crafting orders don’t need to be attached to a specific vendor. That should be changed so that you can put in a public crafting order within the UI of that crafter’s profession. So for example, when I am in trade chat and I link my alchemy let’s say, or tailoring or whatever the case may be, people should be able to place public crafting orders with those specific characters through the UI of the profession. That way, as the crafter, you have a list of orders that you can get done when you go to the workbench or to the lab or to the forge, whatever. That makes the system much more available through regular trade chat that we are already using today.
Conversely, guild crafting orders should be able to be put in through the guild UI rather than having to go to a specific vendor yet again in the same way as I’m saying above. When you look at your guild roster, you can filter by profession and see what professions your members have. And you should be able to place an order through the profession UI for that specific character that you have filtered from the guild roster in the same way as above.
Also crafting orders should be able to be placed without requiring a commission, especially guild crafting orders. And the UI there needs additional options and a bit of a rework.
Making this system much more accessible, rather than tied down to anyone place will encourage the use of the system versus having to lock it down to a specific vendor in a specific building in a major city. Trade chat is already locked to the capital cities anyways.
If Blizzard would do that, you would find that the system would be much much more used than it is today, especially for the guild crafting orders.
<3 Dani
Geez, is the WOs NPc so far away for you?? We already see pitiful fees in public, you want it at zero? Yeah that sure should help em getting done! At r3 prolly! Am not going to R5 a frickin no fee WO. Set the rank on your no fee WO while at it? Sure, of course, that will get her done at R5 like you want in no time.
You do realize the minimum today is 1 silver right? There just isn’t a reason for a requirement of said minimum. It’s not that the field should be removed, not saying that. And most crafters talk with people first and set their prices then. That shouldn’t change because you remove the requirement of 1 silver.
I’m not necessarily advocating for the removal of the NPC, either. I am advocating for the option to have the option be added to the profession UI where it is linked in trade chat. Convenience is a thing. The more convenient a system is, the more people use it. Having it within that crafter’s UI ensures that crafter is the one that actually makes it. If customers don’t care who makes it, you use the NPC. Same for having the guild crafting orders handled from the guild UI.
<3 Dani
You are confusing different things.
A Public Work Order is available to every potential crafter on your server and linked servers.
A Guild Work Order is a restriction so that the WO is visible and available to every crafter in your Guild.
A Private Work Order is from the requestor to a specific crafter.
Your idea as stated has nothing to do with Public Work Orders.
What you describe is to create a functionality that allows you to submit Private Work Orders from a characters linked profession. Your blurb about Guild Orders is also just another way to submit a Private Work Order by using the Guild interface.
I’m kind of torn because while I see some convenience in allowing it, it would also require the crafter to share their specialization with the requestor. Then follows the random discussions of:
‘I provided you the mats to get you to R4, why didn’t you use your Concentration (ignoring that it would take 500+) to R5 it?’
‘Because you only offered me 500g for a commission.’
‘But you could have crafted it anyways!’
‘Don’t bother me if you’re not going to compensate me properly.’
‘Don’t link your profession in Trade Chat if you aren’t willing to fulfill orders.’
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
So how is your idea going to help Public Work Orders? Because all I read in it is new ways to submit Private WOs.
Public orders should allow for quality selection.
Full stop. If that was introduced, then we could feel more comfortable using the public system. At that point, if your order isn’t filled as an R5, it’s because you aren’t compensating properly. Place the onus on the player creating the order, not the crafter.
I think we all agree on this but for some reason Blizzard considers it really important that we be forced to use trade chat rather than interact through a game feature.
I dont blame them for that, al least with live trade chat game feels like multiplayer game.
The current crafting system is 1 step forward 2 steps back from DF.