Just read an interesting article online regarding a new debuff exclusive for Hardcore Realms in WoW Classic.
The new debuff is called “The Coward!” The Coward! debuff decreases all attributes, damage, resistance, and armor by 20% for three days as a punishment for fleeing from high-stakes duels.
In addition to the Coward! debuff, World of Warcraft is making changes to the Duel to the Death mechanic, including increasing the duel area to prevent players from accidentally running out of bounds.
The debuff seems rough but I still believe that being struck by some sort of curse that results in death would be more appropriate to the cowardly action of fleeing an honorable makgora.
“I got this debuff because I lagged because of your stupid servers and not at all because I’m stealing wifi from my neighbor. FIX THIS RIGHT NOW BLIZZ.”
This would be fun but what if I flee from you (not exiting the duel area but basically just get away) and 3 hours later while you are farming murlocs and are at 50% mana and health and I re-open on you.
some fates are worse than death. honestly a debuff that shows how many times you have run from duels would also be good. OR if you run from a duel, you have the mark of coward until you beat someone in mok’gorah to clear your name and honor…
If you flee from a duel to the death Saurfang should become a hostile npc that’s disgusted by your behavior. Cowards can go live amongst the goblin towns.