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And I just got removed from group as a healer after a wipe on Blightbone. Carrion Eruption stacks got too high. Apparently if you can’t keep your entire group alive through high stack rotting mechanics, you get the boot. Can’t really complain that much about PUGs but, damn. Can’t help but be frustrated that people are removing players in days old normal mode content.


yeah people are being dumb about 3 day old 5 man content. Had a healer rage quit over a few wipes and we then cleared the rest of the 5 man with our new healer.


it’s unfortunate but also people are a little…anxious. i think there’s a lot of FOMO about falling behind…

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Yeah I did a few m0 with 140 groups on release, now people asking for 165-170. Like lol.


Had a healer rage quit mid way through the last boss in Da Other Side because they kept on dying to the shatter reality mechanic. It is still the first week, not everyone got to level 60 in 3 hours and farmed the dungeons so much on beta that they know it like the back of their head (I was one of them =( ). So I normally give people hints and tips. Even put up markers where the death gates spawn.

I hardly ever vote to kick someone for screwing up a mechanic. Especially in the first week or so of an expansion.


tuesday night / wed morning they were asking for 155. what happens is there’s a ‘first wave’ of players that rush, progress etc. and there’s the second wave, that’ll likely hit levelcap around start of weekend. which being a holiday is…today.

players desperately want to group with the ‘first wave’ and players also desperately want to BE in the ‘first wave’ creating a weird race.

honestly i pugged all 8 of my mythics and I feel if i hadnt done a few as fast as I could…delaying the questing, storyline, etc, i would’ve had a hard time keeping up and finishing them.

being ‘first wave’ is the way WoW’s community has decided players’ worth is determined. soon it’ll be RIO and achievements.

I have groups I play with. And honestly gear isn’t important. Renown, torgast and campaign more important.

I know it sucks but at this point most should be hovering around that 165+ that are serious. I know people are are already capped on gear… RnG was kind to them. Not me lol

so they removed you because THEY didn’t bother killing off the worms before they exploded that’s kind of…well pathetic sorry you had to deal with that, but if they’re that ignorant of the content(dungeon journal is your friend in brand new content people) you probably dodged a huge bullet

Don’t feel bad about being removed from a group this part of the expansion. Some people are just jerks.

I also got removed from a group the same day the expansion came out. We had wiped on a boss in my first Normal instance and they removed me from the group.

Pretty sure they removed me as the other (4) players in the group were from the same guild on another realm. Probably wanted room to invite another member from their guild.

Anywho, Don’t worry about it this early in the expansion if you get removed or not. If you do happen to be removed from a group, Just re-queue for another one in the Dungeon Finder. :slight_smile:


I got dropped after my first try on Blightbone too. DPS was terribly weak on trash and failed on carrion eruption. I waited my half hour and the next group just tore through the instance, total cakewalk.

yeah its sad , i did all the m0 started with 140ish we wiped here and there on trash , but come on the dungeons outside some boss here and there as easy as hell

People are ruthless. If it makes you feel any better, I purposely block every vote I can unless someone’s being toxic. If they’re just dying because they’re learning, I’m not kicking anyone out. We all need to learn stuff. Maybe they weren’t lucky enough to have time off to spam dungeons when the expansion came out.


same. i’ll never vote yes if somebody is trying and failing, as long as they’re trying (and not being a jerk)

Same. I came back for BFA after 11 years off and loved dungeons. I got kicked from a ton trying to figure the game out again because I wasn’t some well-oiled pre-geared Legion veteran. Maybe some of these folks are just coming back for SL.

Treat people how you wanted to be treated, IMO.

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I got harassed on my druid for only barely keeping the group alive through 2 stacks of Carrion Eruption on him, in normal mode. While leveling.

And the thing is, if you even get Carrion Eruption on that boss, it’s because the DPS failed and just tunneled the boss.

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Its ironic they kicked you when avoiding that mechanic requires DPS to kill adds and avoid the vomit.


TBH, most DPS in this game just live by the mentality of “I died, healer sucks”, despite the fact that like 95% of damage in instances can either be avoided, negated, or countered by DPS.