"The Conclave of Sorceresses" - A Mage Guild & Magical Academy for Spellcasters. Are You Interested?

Hello everyone!

I have only ever been the leader of a guild once in my life and that was many years ago back in Cataclysm, so I do not have the best experience, so I thought that I would do a little interest check. So, I’ve been working on a mage and writing and I thought that it would be great to have a community of exclusively sorceresses from all walks of life, races and factions. The guild has many purposes, so let me list them for you.

  1. Training the Next Generation

The guild has many purposes, but one is to help young women hone their magical abilities and transform their natural talents into controlled skills. Some instructors may be kind and forgiving and patient, while others may be ruthless and demanding.

  1. Advisors

Because of the state of the world and countless factions and settlements, mages are often utilized for their strategical thinking and magical prowess. It’s common for a court or order to have an advisor, be it a baron or king. These sorceresses would work with these courts, orders and noble houses separately from the guild but meetings would be held on occasion to discuss their respective leaders’ statuses.

  1. Navigators and Battle-Mages

These sorceresses are known for their combative nature and warfront experience and or desire to gain some. While battle-mages travel with armies, navigators or telomers provide transportation with portals and see to it that hiring parties or allies travel safely.

  1. Emissaries and Couriers

It isn’t uncommon for kingdoms and settlements to come to disagreements with another. Diplomacy is important. While there are factions, these mages are a neutral collective and put the state of Azeroth before any home faction’s needs, such as the Kirin Tor. The duty to hold the peace or provide common ground for discussion is necessary to prevent devastating conflict.

  1. Historians and Suppliers

History must be recorded through written notes and scrolls, so that the past may not be repeated and stories do not become unruly rumors. Important spells and war results are also seriously in need of documentation. When it comes to supplies, scrolls, alchemical ingredients and potions and more are a much needed item in the world. The guild can offer this.

And more!

The guild does not care about faction or race. This is a neutral academy to learn and grow and share knowledge as mages. The guild is exclusive to women and I think it would be incredibly fun if another academy for men were created, not so we could be rivals, but two institutions that could teach separately and come together for meetings, celebration and learning. A base of operations hasn’t been decided yet and the guild has no final name yet. Everything is a massive work in progress, so any feedback or ideas or even interest would be appreciated. The base faction for this guild is Alliance. Also! I think it would be ideal to perhaps open the doors for warlocks and priests, too, since they are also spellcasters, just different schools of magic.

If anyone is interested, let me know. This isn’t something that will be started tomorrow by any means. I am not rushing anything. There is much to do!


I remember Warcraft 3 sorceress lines.

I don’t remember casting slow on you.
Click me baby, one more time.
You don’t get out much, do you?
For the End of the world spell, Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

I would support this endeavor. Most guilds for mages i see are male players.

‘Who run the world? - Girls’ - Beyonce.

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I play a sorcerer/pyromancer whose class ooc is warlock. If you decide to include them, I’d love to find a home for her ^^

Edit; she is Alliance, figured I should mention that lol

What is the best way to contact you?


A Dalaran style Conclave would work perfectly open to human/elf races, a back story would be they existed before dalarans fall, just a thought/idea. Sorceresses may be too big of a word. Conclave of Witches, Ember Conclave, The Coven, or a few other names may work.

What about that cult classic “The Craft” movie, you could use that in some manner. Or inspiration from Charmed.

When i made this character i was thinking of an old Anime, Witch Hunter Robin. She was a Craft user. A pyromancer who cast flames with her mind.


Speaking of ‘The Craft’

Imagine 4 ladies, the ultimate group of awesome in Stormwind.

  • Fire to burn their bodies and incinerate her enemies to their core.

  • Frost to freeze her enemies in place and let them suffer the chill of the void.

  • Arcane to blast them and feel the destruction of their soul.

Last would be either a demon summoner or a Light/Void user: Any one of these 3 for the ultimate group.

  • Demon Summoner to tear them to shreads and feast upon their soul.

  • Light to exorcise the evil of their soul and heal the worthy.

  • Void to tear at their minds and leave them lost to the darkness.

Having someone from each of the spell casting classes could be useful. Each as a leader for their school of magic under a single Headmistress. I would avoid Harry Potter themed and stick to something with more medieval magic learning. Merlin or the like.

There is an area in Suramar City on the Terrace of Enlightenment that has 4 tent like buildings each for a school of magic, some of them are combined. Fire is just a more destructive/concentrated form of Light. Frost is the result of void drawing heat/light creating cold.

Can’t recall the other two.

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Of course! Definitely welcomed. You can send me a message or add my mage Nauzicaa!

I totally agree. The title I dropped here isn’t final at all. I didn’t know what to even call it so I made that up super quick. I love the idea of having a scholarly name, like Aretuza does. Massive inspiration. As for The Craft, gosh it has been ages since I’ve seen that. Love it. I do think the idea of the school/guild/group being older is a good idea. Like I said, nothing is concrete at the moment. All brainstorming, so ideas are definitely welcomed. especially if anyone wants involved.

I agree. Also, I know nothing about Harry Potter so, I couldn’t use ideas or inspiration from it if I tried. I saw four movies when I was a child. I don’t even remember the story. Lol. But that’s a great idea. So much to work on, whew. By the way, thank you for the input!

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