The company that engaged in sexual harassment, unequal pay, and retaliation wants you to sign a social contract

Why a contract? I just can’t wrap my head around that.
Does breaking said contract mean they will take me to court? Because I said a big kid word in LFG chat?

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…are you talking about their homes or in the office?

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Both. I want to play their games. I could care less what kind of people they are. It doesn’t effect me

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theres alot of that from the other side, saying you just wont sign because you want to keep being a terrible person. me, i wont sign because the only reason its there is as a virtue signal, Blizz did the horrible things, not me. and as someone else said, well youve accepted the EULA several times before… exactly, why does there need to be a dog and pony show about this one? oh thats right, so Blizz can say “see! were doing things! Were better now!”

now the contract is not THE reason why im done with Blizz, theres many, SL being pretty terrible, changes to Wrath i dont think are for the better and add in the last several days of a troll that the incompetent CM’s let go on for days… and now I have to sign a contract because of their bad behavior?

im not saying ive been a perfect saint over the years, but overall ive been quite nice and helpful to people. Blizz should be the one making a pledge and signing a social contract, not me.


Projection is what Fornians excel at.

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Yes. Your label should match the contents.

Ya it’s called covering themselves.

Imagine if the next ore is called guacamolite, I 'd mine that all day - and tortillachipore.

Agreed lol

If I don’t sign it, does that mean I can be a douche on the forums if I so choose?

You can do whatever your heart desires.

But make sure you understand the rules before you do so. :slight_smile:

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Why not, like the forums moderators are gonna do their jobs anyways.

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I would be OK with this.

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I mean are you really mad a gaming company is forcing you to sign a digital contract to play nice so you can log into the servers to play barbie dress up and train your dragon next expac?

Monetize Void elves!!!

Is it really that hard to understand? Hanging your own fate in the hands of emotionally fragile and vindictive people never ends well.

The top portion is unenforceable and so vague that people will use those reasons to report.
The system is automated.
It’s hypocritical.

Not hard to grasp the criticism. So the whole, “lIkE oMg Is It ReAlLy ThAt HaRd To NoT bE a NoTsEe BiGoT?!” is ridiculous.


If you can’t conduct yourself in public, you will be expelled from public. If you are so emotionally unstable that you have to project your anger onto another human, you don’t deserve to play the game. You don’t need to tell someone they suck, trash or insert your favorite gamer word. The tools are in front of you to deal with lesser performing players in game.


So because they did something bad you get to break ToS? lol

Proving my point for me.

You choose to not understand the issue and project your BS onto the critics.

You’re dishonest. /shrug


Nothing I said was of the sort. Best of luck on those future ban appeals I guess?