If you’re marking targets for cc and order of death… You might be overthinking it lol
too many people expect what’s tantamount to a speed run.
if they aren’t getting that…they’ll boot a tank.
it’s not always the tank’s fault when they play
rapidly…they’ve been conditioned by people who
act as if they really don’t have time to play.
People who endlessly pull with no break, or pull for the tank, should be allowed to die and remove themselves from the group. If we all put our collective foot down and no longer tolerate this behavior, it’ll solve itself.
Unless… The people pulling like this are the top 5% of raiders and M+. Then I think blizz will just make it even easier for a rogue to face pull an entire dungeon solo and live
I don’t think anyone’s in the wrong here.
As a tank, you absolutely can set the pace for what you are personally comfortable. Some people will really appreciate this. Others won’t.
That particular group didn’t and that’s ok too. It’s just one group.
And if it’s more than one group, they might be on to something.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go through dungeons we have all seen 100’s if not thousands of times now as if it’s the first time ever being there and explore every nook and cranny slowly, planning out every pull, etc. I want to get through it, and move on.
I almost said something about that but decided to refrain for the moment
We’ve all run with tanks who are absurdly fast.
We’ve all run with Tanks who are absurdly slow.
That’s just people.
But the developers could have a hand in both
slowing the absurdly fast and quickening the absurdly slow.
I wish they would.
Of course, the issue is that a tank that intends to pull as fast as dps can kill mobs will often be confronted by demands of a dps who want bigger pulls. They don’t want to kill faster themselves. They aren’t able to kill faster. They may just want to run around and pull loads of mobs that are minding their own business and not participate in killing them.
M+ should be removed from WoW entirely. PvP can take its place on the vault. M+ is a mini-game with nothing to do with the Lore and is responsible for turning group content into the worst experience World of Warcraft has to offer. Take it out of retail and make it a mobile game. M+ is not fun, Dungeons are not fun. Raids are not fun when tanks overpull pull trash like they are on a clock causing unnecessary wipes, frustration, and wasted time. The poison spread throughout all group content due to the timer, IO scoring, and the competitiveness it brings is immeasurable.
Any community never disappoints in being a disappointment.
This tank spams a macro at the start of a dungeon and then his character lights up a smoke after every pull and wonders why he got kicked. lmao.
Because they get removed from the group for their poor performance?
That’s the problem. There’s too many players who view others as NPCs who must play the game exactly as they want it to be played.
Yeah. I remember in my early playing days, I thought I’d try making a Paladin tank. Was doing a low level Shadowfang Keep and made it clear I was new and learning. I was told at one point I was a terrible tank. Cant recall if I was kicked, possibly. Anyhow I deleted the character and never made another tank.
Frankly, I don’t have time for that sort of nonsense, not when I have plenty of dps to play. I would have liked to learn the class but after the bad experience as a fairly newish player, it left me with a bad case of nerves and I never thought to do it again.
Reply to a bit of a different question, but still context: