The community disappoints

Sometimes you have to take one for the team

True true. I’ll eat it lmao

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Never done a tank, but when I made a healer and did a bunch of PUGs to level him up. The one thing I learned doing that was how awful PUGs are. People would pull pell-mell, run out of my line of sight so I could not heal. About half the time it didn’t matter because the tank was so over-geared for the dungeon, or so it seemed, that he really didn’t need healing.

The other half of the time the tank only THOUGHT he was over-geared enough to behave so, and we would wipe two or three times. Nobody complained, though, because nobody spoke at all.

Every now and then, maybe 10% of the time, I would run into a group that was pretty good. I finally got so tired of it all that just stopped queuing for random groups. Since all my RL friends no longer play the game I just do follower dungeons and delves.


Its not the kicking, or the verbal abouse that annoys me, its the thought that players are doing it wether the tank or healer for that matter may still be learning. The best example i can think of is if your a 20 year old, would you be abusing and belittling a 10 year old just cause they dont know basic algebra? I mean shoulsne we as a community be encouring pople to learn the other roles? But no… most of you would rather tear someone down.


People who flip out and start getting toxic over queued content are unhinged.

As for the kicking, it’s really just a matter of severity. At this point in the season, most tanks can pretty much solo a heroic, so most people expect a certain pace.

I almost never kick anyone from queued content because it’s meant for people of all skill levels to play at, and I can’t get mad at people for not playing like KSH level players.

That said, there is a breaking point. I once had a DK tank for a weekly that was pulling 1 pack at a time and not using any of his self healing and died several times, that guy got kicked because he was wasting everyones time.


I usually don’t get asked to pull more but on the occasion that I do, I’ll pull multiple rooms at a time and make the healer ask me to slow down.

That way the pace isn’t on me anymore :joy:

I think a lot of people in the game lack empathy. Which is kind of understandable since they are only interacting with cartoons. This leads to people projecting themselves onto others and acting like everyone approaches the game in the same way they do.

I am kind of an abrasive, sarcastic person, and so to moderate my own tendency toward snark toward people who get on my nerves in game I try to remember when interacting with them to keep in the back of my mind that the person I’m talking too could be anything from a 10 year old, to a confused senior citizen, or just a shut-in with severely limited social skills.

You may well have run across a pack of middle-schoolers, all of whom have the attention spans of a squirrel on acid.

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I hate to break it to you, but 3 DPS and a Healer can continue clearing the dungeon - in their mind, all they did was drop dead weight with the chance of getting a pumper before they clear the dungeon themselves.

The reality is when you sign up for dungeon finder, you play with 4+ other people. It’s a give and take relationship, and you also need to adapt to their playstyle rather than expecting 4 people to adapt to yours.

If you did want to do some slow dungeons, I’d recommend getting a guild or posting in trade etc and finding some buds who are willing to do that :slight_smile:


This mentality is one of the reasons why nobody wants to tank anymore :joy:

Impatient people always ruin things.

How about this, if you want a world record speed clear, make YOUR OWN GROUP!!!

How about them Apples?


I’ve gotten real lucky with mine. Healer usually wants that chaos I provide. Helps that I’m nigh invincible in low level content, but also do actually know what LoS is and how it works; so the healer doesn’t stress.

I’ve run into this issue with dps trying to pull ahead of me, when I’m already moving at M+ speed to begin with. Letting them die usually fixes it. Or, if they’re giga-chads and they kill the mob, no foul on the play. I go by the healer’s pace, not the dps. And I make it clear whenever it’s brought up.

So if the dps derps out and dies, and catches feelings, the group has, thus far, chosen me over the offending idiot everytime.

You gotta make sure the healer’s on your side, man. The group won’t dare move on you then.

“1206 how fast are you going?”
“Uh, about 100 miles per.”
“1206, go faster.”

Roger that.

I wasn’t making any judgement on what was right or wrong - only the facts of the matter.

Which is the wrong mentality to take from the getgo. If this is how you feel about the game, then new players are royally screwed.

You’re right about why the situation happened, but you’re wrong about accepting it. There are plenty of new/bad players in this game who need guidance. You didn’t sign up for guidance but Blizzard didn’t give you a means to opt out either.

It’s queue-able group content. Don’t put an elite mentality on it.


There’s really no nice way to say this, but if your level of play isn’t up to par with typical community expectations to the point of having to make a macro to explain that your tanking will be slow, why not just go DPS?

Or just start pulling bigger/faster until you’re used to it?

They don’t need to, the general community dictates the consensus preference for the speed of dungeons, otherwise ‘slow tanks’ wouldn’t get kicked from groups.

This is akin to doing 15 in a 45 and complaining that everyone else is the problem. It’s just discourteous to other players to assume your opinion out weighs everyone else’s and expect them to deal with it.

Just like if you queue into a dungeon and start giga pulling and everyone says ‘slow down please’ you should try to accommodate them.

Just for clarity, this isn’t how I deal with new players - I’m just trying to be solution-oriented for this person.

You can’t control how other people behave, but you can choose to find better suited people to run with.

They get a faster tank

I think you’re confused, the group kicked you. At least 3 of the other 4 members agreed you were a problem. It wasn’t just one DPS that removed you.


Fun fact: macros to communicate aren’t made because people are getting kicked all the time. They’re made out of politeness to communicate with the group.

Tanking is just dps but your tank can’t kite the mobs away from you.

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Sounds like you’re not getting enough threat when making a pull and taking too much damage while you do it causing your healer to pull aggro from healing.

Yes I agree with them. A bad tank would fail a pull like this.

One of the reasons I main a shaman healer is precisely this point, when PuGs kick a slow tank, I’ll message the tank to group with me and we’ll go together, then ditch the DPS.

Tank and me will have a new group in less than a minute. Enjoy 15 minutes of screwing around pretending you’re hot :poop: because Blizzard has helped cultivate a DPS community that have all the social skills of a sentient impacted haemorrhoid.

Some people are just trying out a tank specc for the first time in a PuG. Others might be from other regions and have high latency. Others might just be nervous because they’ve hit nothing but selfish idiots all day in the PuG system and I’ve had folks spend hours rolling low-levels to spam-whisper hideous insults at me because I took 15 minutes to do a 12 minute Dungeon and I took too long and should KMS as a result.

The group goes as fast as the Tank is willing to pull. You want a faster group, you roll a tank and then you can pull the Dungeon or Raid as fast as you want.

Otherwise, sit down, shut up, give the tank 2-3 seconds to build aggro and resources to mitigate incoming damage and stand out of the bad.


I 100% agree with the premise of the thread, and 100% agree that you should gauge the group to see if there’s enough healing or dps before pulling hard.

However, the quote I just took isn’t exactly true anymore.

The queue system favors filing slots for runs already in progress. It’s not like that group is waiting for 15 mins for a tank. They requeue and likely get a tank within 30 seconds.