The Community Deserves The Bot Problem

Not at all, theres many reasons why people would be opposed to the change. The main reason being ‘no changes’.
Theres still the discord cliques that thrive on having control over brackets. Back in classic, on some servers they would have second accounts with characters on the other faction for the sole purpose of hunting down and camping rankers who were ‘ranking out of place’.

That’s nice that you acknowledge that.

Anyway, it’s obvious that most people like the PVP change and like being able to do their own thing. I didn’t even know that there was allegedly some guy on Whitemane asking for gold for a BR1 spot that he didn’t need or that the bracket leadership there was maybe bad. People should have mentioned that WAY earlier because yeah I can totally understand wanting a change if that was happening. I love to understand peoples reasoning and generic stuff doesn’t do it for me.

Anyway, that’s all off topic, I just found it funny to see you wanting a blacklist or people liking GDKPs right after saying that other thing about the PVP so that’s why I said what I did. For the record, I like typical guild runs over GDKPs and am not a fan of RMT at all.

Not really. Buying gold is either against the rules or it isn’t. What you choose to spend it on doesn’t justify it in some cases.

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This is true UNLESS you are are try-hard who needs flasks and other expensive consumables every RAID/ pre-made PvP sojourn BUT you have engineering and don’t have the time or the gumption to farm.

WE all know who the gold buyers/ cheaters are, They are the crutch players, who are clearly not that good BUT always have the best gear and plenty of resources. You never log on and see them playing solo, doing dumb farming but some how they have plenty of stuff.

Wouldn’t the community analogy be that everyone looks the other way and nobody will call the cops?

I’d say that’s a more complicated example. There’s a lot of reasons people don’t speak up IRL.

The way it was used here is more like “but what she was wearing” victim blaming thing.

Im not saying its okay, Im saying that its a ‘normal’ level of demand that existed even back in original vanilla.
If you can imagine that as a baseline, we are currently more than 100x past that baseline because of boosting and GDKP.

Sole reasons.
Um okay.

So again as Piptak pointed out you’re hand-waving aka “normalizing” this as “acceptable” whether you intended to or not. Buying for that purpose or any other is not okay and regardless what the “baseline” demand is considered to be either you condone rmt or you don’t. Where the gold is sunk makes no difference.

No. It’s not the solution.
It’s a speed bump at best.

Ban buyers and sellers both then keep doing so.
Blizzard can enforce their ToS but they need to stop this nonsense fantasy that suspensions for buyers is enough to get their attention. Admit that hasn’t worked and get down to business. Perma them all.

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A hard ban on all gold sellers, gold buyers, boosters, boostees, and all who participate in GDKP would return classic era to at least a semblance of what the game was. Currently classic era is a Bastian of mediocrity and pricey hand holding.