why do you want it
I wanna chat w/u
How did a topic about premades in World of Warcraft turn into a debate about slavery and andrew tate?
it all started with this comment
Agreeing with tate does not automatically make you a racist tate himself isn’t even a racist. Again he’s of mixed race. And also yeah I referenced slavery to make a point in 1 post that also doesn’t make me racist
Just beat a premade.
It happens. And it’s fun.
Seen it happen once in the past 4 months. And it was against torturekilla
I am not infallible nor portray my team to be. We don’t always win, but we don’t give up. We fought an AV last night with 16 kos players from a community and we had 5 total, last match of the night. We fought like hell to the end. Lots of premades out yesterday and we kept getting split queues. We all like the challenge fighting premades though.
I once backfilled into a Wintergrasp offense match and we still beat them, lol.
Because Blizzard is putting chemicals into the wellsprings to make the Night Elves more Feminine. WAKE UP SHEEPLE
Mean to who and wut? lol
I might have been in that one on my horde. I solo-queue and land in all the premades here and there. I was in an IoC with Torturekilla and we turtled it to the bitter end. If we could have gotten the door down it would have been a winner but the other team was tenacious.
Yelling at Fraam and telling her everyone hates her. Big meanie you are.
Trimac #1537 come at me bro. But you already did, I killed you 9 times in an IOC, you were the paladin hanging out by Workshop. Yeah that was you.
To be faaaaiiiir, he’s not hard to beat.
Or they could be guild members farming honor the easiest way there is.
But you do you boo
No, I have done like 200 Rated BGS and I recognized all the names, can you stop stalking me or do you want to duel?
Trimac #1537 should be on tomorrow night.
According to the person who has never caught me outside a 3v1 you and patrons both. [quote=“Supercracker-bleeding-hollow, post:99, topic:1364947”]
they could be guild members farming honor the easiest way there is.
But you do you boo
Farming honor for their low honor levels maybe cause most of them already have gear
sounds hot