The Classic Hype is dead in the EU! Need national Servers

I’m sure they thought all the changes they made to WoW throughout the expansions would yield higher profits. They forgot to account for the fact that gameplay matters, and people aren’t going to continue paying for and playing a game they don’t enjoy.

All of their profit projections are based on the assumption that people will just keep playing no matter what they ruin in the process. For example…

Blizzard: “All the EU players will just keep playing even if we force them into the same realms with no language specific servers. Therefore, we can just save money by having fewer realms!”
EU Players: “Bye.”
Blizzard: surprised pikachu


I hope this is how it turns out and it honestly servers them right.


Pserver comeback stronger than ever before, now with correct values and bug fixes. Blizz needs to get classic right or they fuel the alternative


Why would cost differ If you named two Server french, two German, one Spanisch and 5 EU int?

Its 10 Servers in total hosted in the EU Datacenter. Cost would Not Change.


Yes, please. I can only speak English, I don’t want to end up being stuck on the community-designated French server once all the layers collapse into one.


I’m not sure how we can help you friend :cry:
But I absolutely agree, I think it’s a terrible decision to make.
It makes the whole game so less accessible for a whole lot of people.

I can’t imagine the out cry in US if they didn’t split Latin America/Brazil servers.
It’s just entirely unreasonable to not at least create suggested language/region servers so people can play with people who understand them.

I’m not sure if it’s a number of servers issue that they don’t feel they are able to give the different language/regions their own server due to population numbers or something. But it’s a real kick in the teeth to the players of EU and I feel there needs to be some clarity behind it.

I truly hope they decide to reconsider this decision. Best of luck friend.


Yes they do. They already exist.


Except having the IP in use gives them a stronger case to close down any current or new pservers that pop up


I have no personal horse or take on this matter other than I wish our EU brethren the best of luck. I hope Blizzard listens to you guy. Everywhere I have been, here, FB, twitter, twitch, YT, this has not gone over well.


Doubt that!

In todays world, everyone should be able to speak at least 2 languages besides their own and english is one of them. I always played on international realms and US, even though we later got native ones. If you truly need to be with your own nationality, then join a guild. Thats what people did in Classic and we all want Classic again, don´t we?

The whole quality of life stuff does not do well with WOW. We need to keep Vanilla as close to the original as we can, else we will have 10 different nationality servers in EU with maybe a few hundred people on each.

I want full servers and a great community, therefore I support Blizzard.

Besides that, xrealm, Layering and 1.12 AV is a much bigger issue for true Vanilla Veterans, than national servers, which again, we did not have on release.


Cost differs when you have too little or too many players for specific languages. What if French only has enough players for 1 and a half servers while German has 5 servers worth of players but only had 2 allocated to them.

You lose money on French not maximizing their server and have to spend more to make more servers from German.

The cost of hosting Servers with the new scaling realm size is
1st way lower than with the original Server Blades. The only relevant cost for a Server is maintanace and Support. With everything in english the Support can be outsourced. I guess this to be the Main and only cost reason.

2nd mostly linear to the Player Count. So nonmatter on what Server how many people Play the total cost of hosting stays about the same

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As a French player, and now back in Europe, I am absolutely happy with European servers…

If they revert their decision, fine, it’s cool to have national servers. But European servers are cool as well. Really not a big deal


Early classic supporters should have pushed for a nominal $9.99 or EU equivalent price for the client software so Blizzard wouldn’t blink when setting up new classic servers.


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I’ve played on US realms before (hence the level 100) and honestly the latency isn’t as bad as people think.

What drove me back to EU was the time zone difference. I guess I’ll just roll on an east coast server.

I’m from New Zealand and this makes me sad :frowning:


I remember when I first logged into Tera and saw a whole bunch of Cyrillic text on the screen. All nationalities crammed into a server.

Then again, certain U.S. servers like Illidan have Chinese text in trade chat. Some players in the U.S. even get triggered when they see Spanish or Portuguese text.


gee its almost like they have a hidden agenda to make everyone speak the same language(so english)
and thats a bad thing
perhaps OP will suddenly flip-flop after considering that, though… and I do hope not

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Even an english Server would be better than a multilanguage Server. Thats not planned. I am extremly sure that at least one Server is conquered by Germans and one by French and everyone has to reroll.


okay good
but yeah this is still a pretty bad issue for the reasons you’d stated too, though