The Class Set rewards from MoP:Remix and your opinion regarding them

Wowhead has confirmed that the class set rewards, along with the weapons, are the class sets that were recently put onto the trader post.

Pandaria Timerunning Awards Recolored Class Trading Post Sets - Wowhead News

I want to know people’s opinions on these sets:

Do you like them?

Do you not like them? if not, why?

I didn’t like them when they were on the trading post and I don’t like them now. They’re just a bunch of dumb, overly-busy helms and shoulders vaguely related to something about each class.


Wait, those sets are just recolors of the Trading Post ones? I had no idea. That’s Bronze I can save now!

Why make new items when you can just recolor something?

I’d be happier if they at least made them whole sets, I get what they’re trying to do by giving people items that they can create their own xmogs with but for a lot of the sets, due to the resolution on the newer pieces even if you find close color schemes often these new pieces look out of place.

The monk belt in particular is troublesome due to the “band” around the waist, it doesn’t lock into other pieces properly

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Should have been CM set recolors. Literally no reason for them not to be.


I’m more interested in the weapon recolors but there’s a few I’ll probably pick up, like the mage one.

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Yeah, it’s kinda weird to me to have an armor ‘ensemble’ that isn’t even a full set of armor. Like I guess they went with the three most ‘distinctive’ pieces of a set that usually get actual polygons, but I don’t see why there isn’t at least chest and leg armor to go along with them

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As a matter of fact, I made my own thread expressing my joy about it.

When I first saw them on wowhead way back before they released in the TP I thought they had a lot of potential (minus hunter rip) but in game they look a lot more pixelated (not all) I ended up only taking a few of them even though I had the tenders to get all.

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3 pieces is hardly a set.


well blizzard knows they can never create the same MoP challenge mode experience, so they didn’t want to lessen the prestige of those players who originally did the MoP challenge modes.

Recolors do not lessen the prestige of the original.

See: Fel Bear versus original.

I’ll beat this dead horse until it’s naught but dust and echoes if I have to.

They could do what they did for mage tower and make them harder. I’d be fine with that.

the fact that vengeance demon hunters exist along with aug vokers means that there can never be a recreation of the original challenge of MOP cmodes.

blizzard would actually have to directly exclude demon hunters and evokers from entering the challenge mode dungeon and they will never do that.

But will you follow it back into the Shadowlands in order to continue beating it? Are you dedicated enough to do that?

By your own logic the prestige on the limited time elite pvp sets are lessened because mythic raid recolors exist.

There are birds in the shadowlands, so yes.

I’ll go in there to finish the fight, then come back out with a flock.

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If they gave us stuff that was 100% new, the “FOMO” screaming would be 10x louder.

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that is correct - 100%.

mostly why i don’t bother doing PvP for the elite recolors anymore.

they really don’t mean anything when the raid sets look exactly the same.