I didn’t like them when they were on the trading post and I don’t like them now. They’re just a bunch of dumb, overly-busy helms and shoulders vaguely related to something about each class.
I’d be happier if they at least made them whole sets, I get what they’re trying to do by giving people items that they can create their own xmogs with but for a lot of the sets, due to the resolution on the newer pieces even if you find close color schemes often these new pieces look out of place.
The monk belt in particular is troublesome due to the “band” around the waist, it doesn’t lock into other pieces properly
Yeah, it’s kinda weird to me to have an armor ‘ensemble’ that isn’t even a full set of armor. Like I guess they went with the three most ‘distinctive’ pieces of a set that usually get actual polygons, but I don’t see why there isn’t at least chest and leg armor to go along with them
When I first saw them on wowhead way back before they released in the TP I thought they had a lot of potential (minus hunter rip) but in game they look a lot more pixelated (not all) I ended up only taking a few of them even though I had the tenders to get all.
well blizzard knows they can never create the same MoP challenge mode experience, so they didn’t want to lessen the prestige of those players who originally did the MoP challenge modes.