The Class or Classes You Want to See Next

Perhaps without the Dragon Aspects, Dragonsowrn, or any draconic playable race would be forced to seek their fortune and future as other races do, by their own hand out in the world.

A new class based on Brightwing from HotS.

Jokes aside, the reason we didn’t get a necromancer is because we got covenants instead. Rather than add a new class to the game they’ve shifted to adding that fantasy to a power system for an expansion feature.

The reason tinkers won’t happen is because they made mechagon. If you want to experience tinkery content roll engineering and go play mechagon content.

We likely won’t see any new classes unless it would be a new concept for WoW altogether.

Demonlogy, but less “train conductor” and more “master of demons.”

As it is now, all you’re doing as demo is trying to fill the DeCon train car before your Tyrant hauls it to the station… Your demons aren’t headliners either, they’re jobbers that are meant to be disposable…kinda anticlimactic.

That would be precisely the point - they’re spread too thin and suddenly their numbers are finite, so they empower mortals to take their stead as the protectors of Azeroth. Perhaps in an expansion where the dragon flights are exploring ways to restore their own power…

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Covenants do not address the fundamental core of what a traditional necromancer is on any fundamental level.

Precisely my vision.

Honestly feel the game has about all it can ask for. I guess Tinker is the last really missing but its going to be a massive challenge for Blizzard to design it without having it overlap with what we already have and still be fun.

New specs for existing classes could be fun though. Trickster (Mage+Rogue) for Rogue, Tank for Shaman, Warden for DHs (make it a ranged spec that throws its giant Shuriken, like Yuffie in FF7), etc.

Let’s fix the existing ones first…

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Honestly i’d go even deeper and say fix the fundamental problems that makes Ranged DPS better than melee DPS in almost every single situation in Raiding.

But that doesn’t shuffle expansion copies.

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When has blizzard ever added anything traditional to the game? They actively avoid that.

Want necromantic magic? Play necrolord.

I mean I’m not knocking your idea, just saying.

Using the term “necro” arbitrarily in a title does not in anyway confer traditional necromantic abilities.




  1. a person who practices necromancy; a wizard or magician.

Necromancy /ˈnɛkrəmænsi/ is the practice of magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions, visions or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon.

Take two classes from GW2.

Necromancer: A pure DoT and kite class that uses a staff.

Some skills:

Wells - Skills that place long-lasting attacks on the ground to inflict negative effects on enemies, or positive effects on allies, over their duration - wells are similar to placing a skill like Ele Shaman’s ‘Earthquake’

Marks - Marks are placed on the ground and explode when an enemy walks over them to produce a variety of effects for allies and/or foes

Covenant skill possibility: Death Shroud; cut and paste convoke - Transform into a spectral form for 4s, preventing the user from taking damage, applying bleeds, corruptions etc.

Mesmer: Mid-range melee-caster that uses both staff, 2H sword or Sword/Axe/Mace and Shield. Creates illusions/clones that you shatter to deal damage (similar to imp implosion)

Some Skills:

Well of Calamity - A well that rends time, damaging, weakening and crippling foes in the area. When the final pulse of Well of Calamity triggers, it deals massive damage to foes in the area.

Time Sink - Destroy all your clones, dazing and slowing their targets.

Covenant skill possibility: Gravity Well - Create a powerful well that warps space in an area, knocking down, floating and pulling foes caught in its event horizon. When it expires, foes still inside the well take heavy damage.

Mesmer’s could have Tanking and Healing specs.


Necromantic magic in wow comes from the necrolords of maldraxxus. Without them necromancy doesn’t exist in wow. Necrolords are necromancers using Warcraft vocabulary.

This makes absolutely no sense. Necrolords have no sway over life and death. These are forces controlled by the Pantheon of Life and Pantheon of Death.

The Necrolords have absolutely no power over either nor do they have the power to grant such power. They serve as the cannon fodder for the army of the Shadowlands.

Let me be more clear. Shadowlands factions do not project their power or influence outside the Shadowlands. Attributing to them the source of any power beyond the Shadowlands is not in line with the ruleset or mechanics of WoW.

Maldraxxus is the source of undeath. The plague of undeath that created the scourge came from the house of plagues. Whenever a death knight uses their abilities they draw that power from maldraxxus similar to how mages can call upon the energies of the twisting nether.

They don’t control life and death they control undeath, thus necromancy.

Also they do have influence outside of the Shadowlands as we’ve seen an example of in the Maldraxxus short video when Draka snuck into a Legion base to steal some sort of parchment. Developers have said in interviews that everything in those videos was very deliberate and this clearly shows that the maldraxxi forces operate outside of the Shadowlands.

Let’s have a Clown class that originate from Darkmoon Faire. :clown_face:


Creating a plague that can cause “undeath” as you put it is not necromancy. The Scourge plague is not the source of a death knights abilties. The Scourge plague doesn’t confer any power to a death knight. It simply makes people undead. Comparing Scourge plague to the Twisting Nether is like comparing french fries to automobiles.

You’re reaching way too far. Please refer to the definition of necromancy I provided for clarity on this issue.

Sending Draka to gather a document and being able to grant abilities such as necromancy are two things entirely different. Again you are reaching to try to prove a point that has no validity or basis in reason.

The Necrolords cannot bestow powers or abilities to anyone outside of the Shadowlands. Period.