Azeroth Circus is a circus theme RP-PvE/PvP casual guild CTZ. (realm time) Our peek times are usually in the evenings. Sometimes our shenanigans run into early mornings.
We are newly formed and looking for Role Players, Mythic+ Key Pushers, Raiders and PvPers for Rated PvP for TWW!
We plan to Raid and RBG one night a week (More if we agree as a whole for progression). We run Mythic+, BGs, Arenas, Guild and Realm RP events, Raffles, Guild Member of the Month (for guildie appreciation), Xmog contest, Legacy Raids, to farm mounts, pets, gear, and achievements. WPvP and shenanigans of all sorts.
We welcome all skill levels of RP ,PvP and PvE. If you’re new to the game we’ll do our best to help teach you the ropes of whichever content you need help in. Some of us have been gaming since 04 and 06. We’ve done hardcore content and are pretty much more or less laid back, chillin and enjoy the game as it should be enjoyed now. (With the exception of pushing content together casually.)
We have discord which is optional. (Except for progression nights.) We’re cross faction and cross realm. We are 18+, 420, LGBTQIA friendly. NO Drama lama, Elitist Egos or Toxicity!
RP info: We RP as a Circus as a whole. We will have guild mounts that are obtainable for everyone, along with both factions. We do have a few specialty ranks within the guild such as (Freak of Nature and Bearded Lady for example) for those that want to get into the RP heavier than others. We do random RP a lot in small groups throughout SW and in Goldshire. Later we will be expanding this RP to other parts of Azeroth once we have a much fuller RP group. We plan to attend many off ream and realm RP events as a whole. We also attended the TOA this year!
SO if you are wanting to push content, are a Collector of all things, a PvP Junkie, a PvEeraglore, Achievement Farmer, an Altalcoholic, a stoner that forgets what ya doing and fall off cliffs during random RP walk ups! Looking to make new friends or just looking for a chill place to Role Play and Socialize come give us a try and join the Circus!
Kidnapping, Gardenwizard, Weedheals, Peesinshower (still debating on my horde main atm) are my main toons in game.
(I cant use my main because blizzard hasn’t updated their system yet and i don’t want to post on a toon that doesn’t have current name or guild underneath)