The chromatic dragonflight

I want a big dragon to burst from Blackrock mountain How to train your Dragon style. A big ol abomination of all of Nefarian’s failed test subjects over the centuries, coalesced into an avatar of pain and broken hopes.

Galakrond, reborn.


Chromatus is still around and a potential threat. it’s book content but his body couldn’t be destroyed so he’s stored inanimate in an arcane prison


Tiamat, the Goddess of Evil Dragons


Gimme gimme gimme I want to plop that fun dog in Stormwind and let it have fun


That’s a picture of the thing. I want this.


Fr. Give me a reason to raid. I want to kill big epic things.


I know a unique design for a raid is a top down view of this boss and everyone is basically force running forward while we run away from it in an intermission phase.

The heads are attempting to bite and we have to move from left to right.


It was lame that Chromatus was relegated to books only. They need to stop screwing the playerbase over with that crap.



If they don’t add that as a boss because technically he’s still here just imprisoned and inactive

I will be upset


SO MUCH is relegated to books aaaaagh. I don’t wanna have to buy supplemental material for things that should be contained within my game I already pay for at least DISCUSSED so we can know a thing occurred

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Supplemtary material is key!!! Ideas are not bound to one medium!!!

Oftentimes when designing a building you have to swap from 3D model, to 2D drawing, to 3D drawing, to written description of the building, to the math behind it, create an abstract diagram…so on.

More perspectives means more understanding. :3

He was a book character. Didn’t show up in the game or get mentioned at all. You would t know he even exists if not for wowpedia.

This would be soo cool to be honest!

I love if when the aspects gain their Aspectral Powers Chromatus actually appear as an antagonist or ally to lead all the leftover Dragons from other flights…

I also love to see his Visage form… Maybe it look like a Drakthry Visage with specially looking armor that has his other heads attach to it with its own animation?

As an Ally to the Aspects I wonder what kind of six or seven gem (if Blizz added another one as part of the story) would it be?
White like Opal with a chromatic effect of colors like that Gem stone?

And if there is a 7th Dragonflight that deals with Death… I wonder if the gem that represents its flight among the Aspect would be Indigo/Purple…?

Ahhh the possibilities but MAN I love if Chromatus could make it to the game… There just something really cool about a Hydra Dragon like this…

Although I will admit that if they make him an antagonist instead of an Ally I hope Blizz make him to have the polar opposite to the Aspect like green turning Nightmare Red and Red head turning undead Pale etc…or his own chromatic powers to better represent the leftover Dragonflights that he leads… Just to give him his own identity and flavor. (IMO)

If GW2 dev team was able to Animate a full Zhaitan Elder Dragon in that Old fight… they can animate a Chromatus in WoW for sure! (IMO)

Opps there I go again writing my ideas as they come to my head thinking of this! LOL

Sorry for my long post yet again! :sweat_smile:

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