The change to Sapphiron's Frost Aura nerfed an original mage tactic

The above video is from the vanilla client showing a mage wearing what seems to be ~250 frost resist, evident by the lack of glacial shoulders & no use of a frost resist juju. By watching the combat log you routinely see +259 mana returns. This is due to the Magic Absorption talent which returns 5% of your maximum mana when fully resisting a spell. With Frost Aura ticking and being applied so frequently, this was one of the only PvE raid encounters which made this talent valuable to mages. Throughout the encounter in the above video you can see the effect proc a total of 14 times for a return of 3626 mana.

Knowing this ahead of time I build myself a complete frost resist set with virtual maximum resistance (312 frost resist) expecting near the maximum resist rate since maximum resistance should yield ~25% full resists from spells by a lvl 63 enemy. This should have in turn provided a large return of mana. However, after the encounter I checked the logs to find this:


Despite a much higher near-max 312 frost resist… only a 1.6% resist rate was experienced, along with just 7 seemingly random magic absorption procs for a return of just 1,396 mana

There are 2 issues at hand:

  1. The full resist rate is significantly lower than one would expect it to be, suggesting frost resist is not increasing full resist chance beyond the base 1%. This may have been intended, but the inability to resist the application of the debuff may not have been intended.

  2. The procs of magic absorption seem to be completely random; sometimes between ticks, sometimes even on ticks when damage is taken, and sometimes oddly no proc at all when the damage is actually fully resisted (see: 3:27.005).

Conclusion: While i can only speculate, my belief is that the change to the Frost Aura mechanics removing the constant application of the debuff also removed the main source of full resists, breaking a unique mage strategy specific to this encounter of stacking frost resist as a means to increase mana returns from Magic Absorption.


Resists as I have noticed in Classic vs what i remember and experienced in both Vanilla and TBC does not allign with my memory of how effective Resist stats were in original WoW Vanilla and TBC. In Classic it feels like the rests mechanics are inconsistent and kinda poop. Its certainly something I hope they visit because I look forward to abusing Resistance sets in Arena TBC, because the odds are they are not going to nerf player snooping so before the match starts ill know who’s on the other team and roughly their spec to the point where I can gear accordingly. I rather enjoy playing the mechanics like that, and its important for these to work in both PVE and PVP.

Watched the video too, and his 5178 mana pool @ 5% is ~259mana on resist according to the talent, so that’s gotta be what is happening there with that mana return, that’s actually really impressive in terms of mana regeneration and overall potential output.

This might have something to do with it being near-impossible (1% base resist chance) to resist ticking Blizzard, but the initial application of frost spells can be resisted on an increasing binary chance. Unlikely to see anything happen but it does look like you found the source of why magic absorption is not working like it used to on this fight. The interval of the spell being applied that can be augmented by resistance used to happen frequently.

Frost is strange.

I don’t think that the way things are calculated or considered by the game is done in the same way, it may be literally everything RNG related, THE WORLD COULD END! In all fairness, its very unlikely that the game can run things exactly the same due to the servers being entirely different animals, and the client also, but who knows maybe blizzard will make an effort to fix this, they have actually fixed quite a lot of bugs even if they don’t officially announced it. Just recently I noticed that Distract was no longer clearing combo points (very bug fix, I use this in PVE and PVP often) Here’s hoping they fix this and a whole long laundry list of other bugs, because mechanics are where the game really lies, but Community is what keeps us coming back!

shameless bump for attention

I’m interested in this being fixed, mana is pretty awful on sapp so would like this to be addressed.