The Cataclysm Survey

This would be infinitely preferable over Cata Classic. Cata is too similar to the modern game for it to make sense as a Classic.

All i did in cata was sub rogue pvp, and i thot it was really good

If Blizzard releases Cataclysm, I don’t think I would play anymore. Cata was the beginning of the end for me. I hated that they destroyed certain areas of the game. The majority of the dungeons were BORING and so were the raids.

I’d much rather see them add new content to the original 3 (That is the reason I fell madly, and head over heels in love with this game.) and best expansions that they have ever put out. They could add new quests to all the zones, new patterns for professions, add a dye system, add new mounts, new gear.

I mean think about like this…Blizzard will be doing that anyway for the next expansion. You could tie in a new story line without expanding the world. Blizz could save space and tweak out the graphics and stuff.

No need for a Classic Cata since 100% of all the world then still exists now. No Cata.

I would love to play cataclysm again, with some changes. If blizz did not nerf the dungeon diffulculty and did not add looking for raid, playing cata again would be a dream come true for me.

Well I am quite supprised no one did not mention about how awful the female worgen were when blizz released Worgens as a race.
Their was a better female worgen look on their Alpha test back then. So if the classic team dose find the Female worgen from alpha test please use that model and to finish it off mainly to add the hair and ears.

But yea if Blizzard classic team dose rerelease Cata I will play it but if they use that awful female worgen that looks like a Chihuahua dog and not a wolf I will end playing classic from then on and stick with the older expansions.

But yea I agree with Shadowsarah on the LFR by not adding that.

No? That was in TBC.

Cata was still a hundred times better than what we have today with world of systemsland.

Anything before M+ cannot be better than anything after M+.

Because there’s literally nothing to do but raid and log off.

Just gonna tack on my thoughts on the matter in the off-chance this thread gets looked at by people who matter…

The only thing that would get my invested in Classic would be a Classic+ experience. In Classic’s current state, there’s no reason to invest a whole lot into your character, because as soon as a new Classic server gets released the old one becomes a barren wasteland. If there was a perpetual Classic server that constantly gets updates in a sort of lateral progression system, I would play the hell out of that.

Would much rather group up with npc’s, than most of the nerd raging neckbeards that play this game lol.