okay then lets remove lockouts entirely from normal and heroic and just allow us to farm it nonstop
Addiction. Tbh, though, I’d be fine with removing lockouts if there’s still a gear lockout. Getting gear that rapidly would hurt the game, but more time to play the game doesn’t, it just feeds the addictions of people like you.
you just said lockouts do the harming, but normal and heroic share a lockout. I suggested we remove it and you say we would be gearing to fast? okay. lets share lockouts with all 3 and just have a gear lockout
so you can run LFR/Normal/Heroic as many times as you want, but only get gear on your first kill of each boss
Yes, low tier gameplay lockouts harm. High tier gear lockouts do not.
dont see how it isnt harmful for one but it is for the other
My only issue with that would be those that are trying to gear up to get to heroics. Would they be able to leave LFR in the middle and go do normals to get specific bosses for normal loot?
Because gear and availability to play are different things.
Came here to read elitist tears.
This thread did not disappoint.
Who’s asking for that? No need for the strawman.
The original system was great. Players continue to raid with their guild and do LFR to fill in the blanks. If they share a lockout players have to choose one or the other. That’s damaging.
then remove the shared lockout for normal and heroic?
So all you have is a strawman argument no one is asking for.
if my guild is doing heroic, I can’t run normal with friends from another guild or pug?
There is a community still here to work for Blizzard, act like it. The unprofessionalism in scheduling is dying as fast as new content out your door.
In retail LFR U cant need as a paladin on non-plate stuff for example. Not sure if its going to be like that in catac
Its funny because it is the same argument. Players could do heroics with their guild and do normals else where to fill in the gaps… but that doesn’t support you… so it is now a strawman argument lol.
In Cata LFR your roll gets +100 added to it if it’s class/spec appropriate, so if a Paladin is able to roll on non-plate armor at all, their roll would be -100 less than anyone that is the appropriate class/spec and it would not be possible for them to win the item.
Its ptr for cata lol
It’s a strawman because it’s a strawman. That’s not how the system worked, and it’s not what people are asking for. It’s just someone trying to concoct his own argument to argue against. All because he’s an elitist who doesn’t want to feel ‘forced to do lfr’. Practice some self control then and don’t use it.
If you have a problem with how it worked, then take it up with the Cata devs. I’ll even help you out: here’s the announcement post from 2011
theres tons of things blizzard has changed with classic, not everything has worked the way it was back then. you throw around this elitist word to try to make your argument justified. We didnt have inferno dungeons, we had “have group, will travel”. things change.