The Cataclysm Classic Pre-Expansion Patch Goes Live April 30

please bring back tbc…


Can we get confirmation whether or not you all will be doing a FRESH Cata server on release or not? A lot of us are wanting a fresh server but if there is not going to be one, we need to know ahead of pre-patch so we can start prepping for launch on already established servers. Please let us know. :slight_smile:


Holy crap! This is coming several months sooner than I expected. I’ll have to clear my schedule somehow. >.>


Has Blizzard stated this somewhere?


None of these can actually replicate Vanilla.

Why do we have one coming for what was the start of the downward trend?


Played the first few months of Cata and the last few months before MoP. Missed the meat of the expansion. May actually check it out

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Yall need to add legacy servers, there should be 1 pvp and 1 pve server for each expansion. Some people rather just play TBC and Wrath. Kinda sad they are going away. 2 TBC servers and 2 Wrath servers please.


Considering the state of the beta I saw and how you abandoned wotlk after sod…

I’m gonna stay away for some months and see the state of things… people told you to bug fixes on wrath but you decided to use all resources on sod inestad… classic players are also people that is paying and want a bug free experience on top of changes as well…


“With the release of Cataclysm Classic, the Insane in the Membrane Feat of Strength will no longer be available.”

Wait what? This is still available in retail as of this writing, and was available post-wotlk back in retail. Did you actually meant to say Shen’dralar is going away? It was simply removed as a criteria from Insane achieve and Shen’dralar itself was retired. Assuming you are genuinely intending to make Insane in the Membrane Unavailable, why? There’s no point on doing this.

Also, Odd to see The Undying and the Immortal unmentioned, same with their ulduar equivalents. Are this staying into cata classic? Are they gone with prepatch? expansion release? What’s the status? I’m going to assume by Beta they are gone and Proto-drakes stay if beta is anything to go by, but its so odd you didn’t mention or clarify it.


Even if it is true fresh Cata launch, it won’t be the clusterfrick it was touted as because the conditions for why it was are gone (spoiler as someone who was there when the scrolls were written…it wasn’t anyway).

People will be going into the expansion fully aware of how the dungeons are and the mechanics in them.
People will be going into the expansion fully aware of how their class/specs are meant to operate.

Cata blew up the friggen world back then. It was a great expansion even TBH minus the last raid which was quite a letdown. Will people die in heroics? Absolutely just like people walk into mythic 0’s in retail as soon as possible and wipes/deaths happen while people learn mechanics…but as someone who goes into retail mythic 0’s blind in greens and quest blues, I can attest that they get cleared and fairly painlessly all things considered. Fact is though that you are dealing with typically superior tier people though that first week.

I enjoyed Cata thoroughly (just like I did SL). I’ve always said it was one of the classics I’d actually consider playing and part of me wants to (MoP as well). I don’t think I will though because I can never get back that first time wonder and fun tackling something new. I can’t divorce my experiences and memories and get to approach it fresh. It would just be another maintenance chore in the end with no actual account progression like retail at least has.


Which is why it’s called Cataclysm Classic. Not Classic.


I hope Microsoft has some of their people working on this rather than retail Blizz developers!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Can you explain the “Flexible Raid Lock System: Alowing players to do both 10 and 25-player raids in the same week”?

Does this mean we’ll be doing both 10m Heroic and 25m Heroic each week to optimize loot? Or will be only be able to 1 heroic raid per week (Using Blackwing Descent as my example) at 10m or 25m level then only able to normal for one we didn’t do?

Disclaimer Edit: For those unaware, Cata raids share the same loot. 10m Heroic Blackwing Descent will drop 25m Heroic Loot and vice versa. Just 25m drops more.


Allowing players to do 10 and 25 the same week, while keeping the same loot is a horrible decision. This is going to cause massive burnout.


I’ve pointed this out many times over the years, people still don’t get it, including Blizzard.


I brought this up in my guild’s Discord server. The consensus reached that it was just poor wording. You can do both 10 and 25 player raids each week, but you will still likely be tied to a single kill of each boss.

In other words, if you kill half the bosses in a 10m, you can join a 25m at the same progress point to finish getting your kills.

I expect it to be the same as the flexible boss-based lockout is described here:
(wish I still had my TL3 to actually let that link stay intact… why does that go away?!?)

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I actually tried to start taking raiding seriously by the end of Cata. I was mostly a heroic dungeon runner and casual gamer that just leveled alts and hopped on for random patches. Imo Twilight was the best patch as they kind of went back to the Wrath style balance and I got into that more. As a Feral Druid the Troll Heroics absolutely dumpstered me but I think I cleared both completely at least once. All of the Heroics back then had one shot mechanics you had to do right. It was good fun though and imo more fun as a challenge even if it terrified me at times.

It’s so sad that Firelands are going to be so short. Probably the biggest mistake. When you release a raid that is 10x better than the ICC and it is going away in 3 months.


Will there be paid Guild name changes available in Pre-patch or full launch? I’ve been trying to get a guild name change forever but don’t want to remake the entire guild and lose all the casuals that play in our guild.

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Waaaay too soon, I want to play SoD and Cata, now I’m going to have to pick one or the other, feels really bad after they already gave us almost no notice for P3 and half my guild couldn’t make the time to level. Stop catering the the sweaters that play all day and finish the content in 4 weeks, it really sucks for the rest of us with jobs.