The Case for Harder Raid Content

Hunters dominated DPS in TBC/WoTLK.

Normal Bastion of Twilight was H ICC with no buff level. Maybe H Halfus was around H Putricide level before the Atonement fix. Maybe. But it still took us a hell of a lot fewer attempts to kill H Putricide 25 (around 30 total) the first week of the 5% buff than it took us to kill H Halfus (in the 100 pull range).

BC yes, Wrath no.

Halfus was a nightmare of getting used to just how quickly the fight could go to absolute pure crap. I mean, we got used to it sure, but so many dumb things could go wrong.

That entire first tier made looking back at Firefighter and Yogg-1/0 as positively rosy encounters. The Ascendant Council (I think that’s what it was called) was pure blaaaaaaah

Halfus difficulty was inversely proportionate to how many tanks you had. Ideally you’d have 3 on halfus, and 1 on each ‘add’ for 7 total. We used 5 and it required idiotic immunity and taunt rotations on Halfus and drakes with BoP rotations on healers to survive the stupid stun.

watch?v=h8HKfO9IqRs for my guilds first kill.

Yuuuuuuup. Doing it the “right” way for a long while meant lots of frustrating starts.

Doing it the intended way of killing the adds was literally impossible at launch. Enrage was decently tight just offtanking everything initially.

Most people never even cleared 10-man normal Yogg. Pugging it was up to crazy cat lady, MAYBE Hodir.

A large chunk of pugs couldn’t even handle the furnace dude. It was quite common for pugs to ONLY be able to kill Leviathan.

ICC was similar before the 5% buffs stacked up. I would say most pugs failed at Saurfang, even Death Whisper at times.

A good pug would down Festergut, but that was it.

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Yes. And when those players, who had a hard time in Wrath, realized Cataclysm was back to catering to the hardcore… they unsubbed, in droves.


If the problem isn’t getting a proper roster, you guys are honestly terrible at the game and need to look up guides. Even casual guilds shouldn’t take more than a few weeks to clear MC from their first raid and that’s mainly from the rep needed for douses.

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The thing I just can’t fathom about a lot of these people is the way the blow things so out of proportion and project their fears into every post that doesn’t 100% agree with them.

Bosses should have like 50-80% more health, and 15-30% damage. That’s it. That’s all a lot of us want.

That doesn’t make them hard. It’s still very forgiving raid content approachable to new and unskilled raiders.

It just makes the bosses FEEL like bosses. It helps compensate a little bit for the current patch we are on.

It does not fundamentally change the vanilla experience at all.

The most likely scenarios are:

  1. They don’t know what they are talking about. Someone that hasn’t done the raid content in vanilla, a well scripted blizzlike private server, or Classic will automatically attack any changes proposed because they don’t know the content can stand those buffs and not be hard.
  2. They are Blizzard shills. You see fanboys and fangirls on these forums all the time, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise they are here. These are the people that defend Blizzard even on their most moronic decisions. It’s like they are getting paid to defend them.
  3. They want easy clears and gear. Some of the players like that MC and Ony are relatively easy to pug and get gear from. Their mentality is what brought us LFR and welfare epics in retail.

I dunno. I much prefer raiding in this paradigm where it’s just a bunch of buds killing bosses together for loot and fun. The mechanics are simple and easy to understand, yet will punish if failed.

Actually feels like a game and not a stress-factory like modern WoW raiding. Opinions are opinions, though.


This right here is a perfect example of the third scenario I listed above.

Ok boomer.


i enjoyed the dungeons and raiding of cataclysm

They’re not gonna make an existing raid harder in classic, they’d get soooo much negative feedback if they did that.

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No changes.

I agree and they need to revert the MASSIVE change of 1.12 itemization and classes before BwL was released. They won’t do it the proper way, so this is the next best thing.

They won’t do it this way either. It’s like you guys have absolutely no desire to comprehend the multitude of posts and videos from Blizzard plainly stating that Classic is mechanically patch 1.12 and is never going to be changed.