The Case for Harder Raid Content

I’d rather they not start making changes, but I must admit the speed of which raid bosses are mowed down is hilarious.

that type of speed is only possible with 18 warriors

Warrior dmg looks very impressive. Wish Hunters could get some of that.


Just wait an expansion or two when they actually allowed them to scale :stuck_out_tongue:

effing cleavis

It’s funny to go back and read posts like these:


High expectations. I’m not sure why people still think LFR is a cakewalk when compared to MC, I was in a LFR group that spent 5 hours banging their heads against Uu’nat.

The LFR version is not an impossible task by any means, but it has far more mechanics that can wipe the group if not done correctly.


people are in for a rude awakening after twin emperors. not the top 10% sure

Post twin emps trash still gives me nightmares

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It’s a large part of Retail. As you said, it was never a large part of Classic, and if it was actually a large part of the playerbase the way so many claim, why didn’t retail sub numbers match Classic sub numbers. After all, you have raiding, raiding, and more raiding in Retail. If you want “satisfying raids” go to retail. The point of Classic is to go back to a time when raiding took a back seat to everything else in the game. The spike in subs indicates that it’s been hugely successful. Quit trying to ruin something that everyone fought so hard for all these years.

This is not a surprise to anyone but you.

That’s what people wanted, and that’s what people got. Unlike Retail, much of the loot is BoE, too, so you can buy it on the auction house. Quit trying to compare Classic to Retail. They are not the same game.

Then why this post?

Yes! Obviously. Just because you’ve learned to play better now that you’re 24 and not 10 doesn’t mean that raiding was any harder back then. The endgame content is just as hilariously easy now as it was back then.

Then please explain the sudden spike in sub numbers now that the faceroll raids have been re-released. Please stop pushing this false conjecture now that the statistics are suggesting the exact opposite.

Mythic Raiding in retail is for them, then. Leave our Classic WoW alone.

If they ever release WotLK WoW again, then you’ll have this. Classic never had this and hopefully never will.

Wrong. It wouldn’t make for a better experience for me, and last time I checked, “everybody” still included me. It would make for a better experience for you. You’re part of everybody, but you’re not everybody.

That’s not why I’m blasting it. I’m blasting it because after all these years I finally get to play an MMO that isn’t 100% about raiding again, and you want to screw it up.

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I agree that they do need to retune BwL to take a few months for the average guild to clear or it won’t feel authentic. The content was never Dark Souls hard, but it did keep guilds busy progressing. Obviously the top guilds will clear it day one as the only way to prevent that is to overtune it to insane levels. It’s fine if guilds have a bit easier of a time than in the original BwL release, but the average guilds should NOT be clearing it in the first few weeks.

No changes.

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Why are you so defensive, so nasty about it? I was genuine in trying to make my post as friendly as possible, it wasn’t demanding. I wasn’t “screw everybody the game will die”. Who in life hurt you so much to be so off-putting and incapable of honest discussion?

It was a large part of classic. Theme park MMOs and raiding go hand-in-hand. When people glossed over vanilla, one of the things they celebrated the most was how awesome 40-man raiding was. Maybe’s its not a big thing for YOU but YOU don’t represent the whole community.

Everybody knew there was going to be a spike in subs. Duh. Its been hyped like crazy, its something new for a lot of people in a time where retail is being looked down upon. Is your brain really that simplistic? Do you really see it as “Classic brought in a lot of subs, classic raids are easy, ergo people like easy raids”. There would have been a huge spike in subs even if the game was cut-off at level 30.

Leave “our” classic WoW alone? Sorry buddy, its not YOURS. Nor did I ever say it SHOULD be mythic raiding. Again, who hurt you and made you so antagonistic?

No, its would make for a better experience for the majority of players. People are quitting left and right because the endgame is boring af. Just because you like to grind one bar a day and create a million alts doesn’t mean that everybody does. And how does the raids being a little bit harder affect you? How does that take away from the things you like, if you’re not interested in raiding? Your argument is the embodiment of so many logical fallacies.

Your blasting it because you are clearly a very, very angry person. Your not capable of looking at it through any other lens besides “I LIKE IT THIS WAY DON"T CHANGE MY THING AT ALL”.

Which explains why WotLK, the easiest overall xpac, which made leveling zones highly linear, added in numerous easier versions of raids, provided basically the first series of ‘catch up’ dungeons when ICC released, put in several easy solo raid bosses in the dragon temple, and even easier ones in the pvp zone- was the most played and best received mmo xpac of all time.

Thing is- gear and time wise, even mythic raids/M 10+ is extremely easy to get into. It may take more skill, but skill has never been the crux of an MMO, time has. Yet few players do higher M+ more than the once a week for a chest, and even fewer do m raids. It’s easier to get into- harder content- yet nobody is doing it.

And BfA’s had the biggest population drop off of any xpac since Cata.

Keep in mind we’re in the final patch- which makes early raids easier, but it’s not going to change the gruelling difficulty of Naxx or even AQ much. Most of what will make those seem easier is a decade of players mastering it.

I’m sure there are people out there that want more challenging raid content- but I’d wager the vast majority don’t, I’d also wager the vast majority of players playing right now won’t clear Naxx, just like they didn’t back then. Not everyone is a hardcore pserver player who’s been doing this for years.


Cataclysm had ridiculously over-tuned FIVE MAN content. The Raid content was never considered way too hard.

TBC and WotLK had some extremely challenging raid content. TBC and WotLK are widely the two best points in the games history. See how easily your logic works against you my friend?

Those aren’t unavoidable changes, nor does the fact that your calling my suggested change bad, make it bad. Perhaps you could actually make a point about WHY you think its bad?

Hahahahah I love when people say crap like that. “Make it hard”. I’m gonna go drive with a blindfold on to make it MORE CHALLENGING.
People like conquering real challenges in games, not there own pretend ones. We both know this.

(Also its still faceroll with none of those thing’s).

The experience is what matters, NOT the numbers. Virtually nobody remembers Ragnaros having 1.1M hp, but those that did raid in vanilla do remember having to use fire resist to survive and having to condense for a submerge for the Sons of Flame and then spread back out when he emerges. Classic Ragnaros has 1.1M hp, but you only need a couple of Greater Fire Protection potions and you don’t have to worry about the submerge phase AT ALL if everyone (or most) is pulling their weight. Clearly, it missed the mark horribly.


I don’t want Mythic raid content. I want something that’s not a complete and total cakewalk. I want to have to try, not just show up and get loot.

Huge difference.

WotLK was at its peak with Ulduar and ICC. Ulduar and ICC are considered fantastic raids with a range of content that was puggable to being brutally challenging for the best players.


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Nope, blizzard quite literally stated in their reddit AMA that they specifically and intentionally shied away from recreating the classic experience (which is subjective) in favor of the classic data, which is objective.


Hit the nail on the head here.

But I’m sure you guys will throw a billion logical fallacies at him that all boil down to “I DON’T LIKE ANY KIND OF CHANGE”.

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You’re the one being antagonistic with this BS:

Claiming to speak for the majority of players is sheer arrogance. Show me the actual market research that indicates that most players want harder raids. Every single game that has promoted harder raiding as its draw has flopped spectacularly, starting with Cataclysm.