The cancer of all the "booster" mages

lol that’s just not true. Vanilla WoW is all about the journey to 60. Of course you’re going to have more hours played at 60 because you can’t progress any more. But the vast majority of the content of the game is the leveling journey.

Everyone has their own opinion on what the true game is. Truth is, there is no wrong or right way to play the game. Mage boosting is very lame though. Takes players out of the world.


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SoM eliminated boosting (by making it so you no longer gained xp if the mobs were gray to a player in your group) and it was an excellent change.

Sadly, we are probably going to have to wait for SoM 2 before we get classic servers without boosting. Era is not likely to be changed.

You want me to expand on my opinion? Lol. I don’t like leveling… it’s boring and there is nothing fun about it unless you’re playing with friends. I only care about PVP and the end-game. So if I can skip it, I WILL. It matters to YOU, not to me.

No, it is completely relevant… it’s the whole reason for this conversation and unless you have factual data to back what you say up, guess what? You’re just spouting more opinion.

Yea fun is subjective and leveling is garbage imho in WOW. You call them lame excuses because you don’t agree, that is YOUR opinion of my opinions. Which I’m gonna beat the dead horse, your opinion doesn’t matter to me as I’m sure mine doesn’t matter to you. At the end of the day, WOW leveling is trash imho, it’s slow, grindy and boring… that is why I personally focus on the end game.

What debate? This is literally someone getting in their feelings because I would skip leveling if given the choice. Why would my opinion be subject for debate? It’s just that, my opinion… you don’t have to like it, but you will accept it one way or another because my opinion isn’t changing unless Blizzard changes leveling to be fun.

Yea, same can be said for you… you think this is a debate, when in reality this is me giving an opinion that makes y’all upset, y’all don’t seem to be able to handle that with grace and dignity… you do know people are allowed to disagree, right?

SoM is not the base game… it’s a modified version of Era in season form.

Y’all care way too much about my opinion of leveling, whatever happened to adult conversation? It’s always, “go to retail.” or some other pathetic jab. You doing this only gonna make me wanna stay and do the thing y’all hate so much.

So? The 2015 camaro and 2016 camaro arent the same car. One comes standard with an upgraded sound system and one has a smaller sound system. The larger system is intended to be part of the package of both cars but was removed as a price point to be added later for one of the models.

You can tell, though both cars are different, the intention for both cars to have the upgraded stereo, even if both dont.

Just like, you can tell though both game modes are different, the intention for both is to not have boosting, even if on technically allows it.

Its really not complicated, You just refuse to acknowledge it. Which we have been over many times.

If your intention is to ruin the good time of others for fun then its becomes clear which us is just here to cause trouble and stir the pot. Admitting you stay just for the sake of doing things to bother people is super telling about why you chose to act the way you do.

Its not a jab to ask you to go where the gameplay matches what you already want. Its simple logic.

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All you gotta do is get word from blizzard, some dev, something… I have acknowledged what you said and none of that is proof of anything other than your opinion. Next time I’ll try it in a different language maybe it’ll get through that head of yours.

I just get a kick out of pissing off cry-babies like yourself who make a non-issue an issue. You are the type to complain about everything, nothing would make you happy… you could bedding the woman of your dreams and you’d complain she isn’t hotter.

But I want to play this game and you’re essentially telling me to go away… so no, I rather stay and play the way I WANT, plus I’m not breaking any rules.

Actions speak louder than words. Why do you think they stopped boosting in SoM if its something they condone?

But if you insist on being told directly as the only way you will understnad then fine.

“As of today, we will now prohibit organizations who offer boosting, matchmaking, escrow, or other non-traditional services, including those offered for gold.”

They made this official statement to try and lower the amount of boosting and fight against it. Clearly its not something they want in their game.

I just get a kick out of pissing off cry-babies

Lol one of those types. Gotta own the other guy right? What a silly outlook. Instead of looking to make progress your looking down on people for fun. yeeeesh

But I want to play this game and you’re essentially telling me to go away

Yes. I already explained this to you. If you came to the chess game other people are playing and wanted to play using the same color as them; Its not good for the community experience if they dont want that. Its perfectly fair to ask you not to bother other peoples experience and if you cant then not to stay. They do the same thing in bars or anywhere else. wow big shocker?

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All I read right there is… “I can’t prove anything and I’m all opinion.”

That’s not even about leveling boosting, try again…

I’m usually pretty chill… I just don’t like people who make up some idiotic problems that don’t exist and then vocalize it riling up other brainlets.

and my man you’re entitled to have those dumb opinions, I will not fight you on your rights.

Who decides what’s good for the community? Not you. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself… and the bar comment, they don’t act that way in real life, way to tell me you’ve never been to to a bar and that’s okay.

I’m reporting people literally everyday for spam. Is it doing anything? Prolly not but good lord it’s like ther’s more boosters than people LFG. How are they even getting customers.

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Doesn’t bother me. Personally, I think it’s a waste of gold, when you can get run throughs for free lol

Yeah, your only point is “blizzard’s vision.” As I’ve stated before, there are so few things that we do that blizzard intended. That point is irrelevant and you say you care about blizzard’s vision because it simply benefits you and you getting your groups filled. You’re shortsighted.

No, vanilla wow starts at 60. You spend around 10 days played to spend another 50-100 actually playing the game.

Also, it doesn’t take players out of the world, it just adds players to the end game. The people that are boosting their alts weren’t ever gonna group with you anyways. They just want to be able to raid on another character so they can play with their friends more.

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That’s not even about leveling boosting, try again…

Thats odd. All the news outlets that covered the story said it was. I guess everybody is wrong but you. That makes more sense than anything else right? smooth

way to tell me you’ve never been to to a bar and that’s okay.

My brother in christ. I was a bartender for 10 years. Its like youll say anything. They totally throw people out when they start acting to rowdy. THey do it anywhere you go. Thats how you treat people in life that are causing trouble for the experience they are partaking in.

and my man you’re entitled to have those dumb opinions

Can you explain how wanting to protect somebodies intended game experience is dumb? Or is it just dumb because you dont want to care about it?

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No, vanilla wow starts at 60.

Wrong game. Retail is where everybody rushed to level cap and where all the actual difficult endgame content is. Its where the hardmodes are and the heirloom gear. All the stuff you actually want out of the game.


I already said my vision of the game does not allign with blizzards. There are many changes i would like to see made to the game as it stands. But i support blizzards vision because it is their game and want to maintain the intended experience cause i dont value myself over others.

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No, not wrong game. We’ve been over this so many times already, you don’t understand the game you’re playing and what you’re fighting for or against. You’re just simply ignorant. It’s why in all of this, the only thing you’ve been right about the entire time is the boost spam. It’s bad, that’s true. Other than that, there is not one accurate point you’ve made.

The contradiction is so cringe. No one cares about 2004 Blizzard’s vision for the game, no one plays it like that.

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They have kept from making many changes to preserve #nochanges. We have been over this. They wouldnt have made the change to som if they didnt think it would help what they want.

Except that the experience of rushing to endgame is the same idealism from players that play retail as i already said and has no place in classic.


What do you think the POINT of classic is? Obviously lots of people care about 2004 era experience. Saying they dont doesnt change their actions.

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People have been rushing in classic since the day it launched in 19 what are you even talking about.

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