I have completed “The Call of the Worldsoul” weekly but now it shows available to me again.
Same thing happened last week with the delves weekly from Brann.
I have completed “The Call of the Worldsoul” weekly but now it shows available to me again.
Same thing happened last week with the delves weekly from Brann.
Yeah I’ve completed it twice already and it’s giving it to me a third time.
Came here to report the same thing.
It’s only on one character but it resets every time I log out and back in. I did it twice to see and it showed up again. I’m not doing it a third time because I don’t want to get in trouble for exploiting but it’s happening.
Same here. Have this and the Delve weekly from last week still up as well.
Same thing for me (EU)
Same thing for me on Moon Guard.
Same for me this week and last week with the delve meta quest.
confirmed this is happening to me - is this permitted or will it be an exploit - im scared to do it a third time
Same here… i thought i didn’t do it and then realized it was repeating itself…
Here too, seemed to appear after a relog (Dath’remar US)
Happening to me too. Did this week’s twice (obviously the spark fragment was only in the first one), and it’s now available for me a third time. Uneasy about completing it over and over again… can we get some confirmation or a response as to whether completing it over and over again would get us in trouble?
i did it a third time just for testing purposes - it showed up AGAIN im not doing it a 4th time
someone did msg me in chat when i was telling trade about it and said blizz made thsi intentionally repeatable - is there any confrimation on that?
This character hasn’t seen this bug at all with Worldsoul, so I highly doubt it.
Two weeks in a row without it being fixed. I will assume from here on out that it is intentional and won’t worry about repeating it.