The Burning of Teldrassil was my favorite WoW moment

That’s an understatement, haha.

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I think the War of Thorns was a neat place to take the story.

But the followup to such a massive event was… garbage. That’s where the problem was, IMO.


True, and the best answer was the simplest.

“Why did you burn Teldrassil, WarChief?”
“To watch my enemies perish in the fire. To hear their final lamentations rise in chorus as the flames consumed them. To witness the death of hope, and to show the rest of the Alliance what awaits them at the conclusion of this war.”



I wanted a real faction war, cities and towns to fall and rise, new bgs, wpvp events. The whole Kalimdor VS EK they hinted at. Instead they crammed in 3 expansions worth of stuff into one and failed at all of it.


No. Story aside it was one of the most non-believable episodes in WoW history. Even in a magical world there has to be logic, and it’s not logical that a miles thick living tree that’s lush and green ignites and burns like so much dry kindling.


I don’t think it’s my favorite moment, but I do like the story surrounding it, yeah. Most people who were angry weren’t even angry bc of the writing, but rather that the event happened.

And tbh, the game really needed something like this to shake up the world. Makes the game feel more alive and in motion. Things can’t only ever go positively and for the first time (since Theramore?) we felt pain. Regardless of what anyone says, it was good story writing. What ruined BfA for me was the old gods memery that made the story obsolete.

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Magic Tree-Killing Fire infused with Death magic formulated by the Royal Apothecary Society. Done and Done.

I enjoyed it. I thought it was a cool moment.

Are those quests still in the game?

There was a really cool one on Alliance where you had to save a large amount of burning citizens in a short amount of time. It was impossible to complete in the allotted time which was very cool and unique.


I want more atrocities on both sides. We should assassinate Anduin and Jaina and the Shattered Hand should take out the Horde council and seize control of Orgrimmar. In response, the Alliance should appoint Turalyon their Supreme Commander and absolutely obliterate Silvermoon City to retake Lordaeron and all of the Eastern Kingdoms while the Horde blows up the Exodar to secure Kalimdor as their own.

This gives Blizzard an opportunity to update those zones and make them flyable, and it opens the door for even more brutal attacks and a much harsher Alliance vs. Horde conflict.

I’m sick of us being frenemies. It’s time to take the blades out and start drawing blood.

#truth Tink Tink

That’s like when five year olds are playing war and one suddenly announces that he has an atomic infinity super blaster (aka I Win Button).

And stop there? Why use this magical plot device once and never again, like Garrosh’s mana bomb?


I really wish they would have just doubled down instead of pulling this “Yeah, she burned the tree BUT she’s weally sowwy now.”

Before the Storm/Early BFA Sylvanas was pretty cool. Wish they would have gone with the razing Stormwind approach


Forsaken have never valued honor lol, Slam Slam

Nope, War of Thorns quests are completely gone

Corpse bride was awesome wc3 to wrath imo… I wish she would have stayed dead after the Lich King was defeated as her purpose was done

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Some vague thing that has never been defined.

WarCraft’s writing has never been much more elaborate or nuanced than this. I’m not sure if you’ve been reading novels lately or what, but your standards are a bit lofty for the likes of Blizzard Entertainment.

Lucky I play an alliance dwarf as my main then I guess.

I still played along, even if I thought it was ludicrous. My Paladin and Warlock lost their mother in the fire (Hence their leading the charge in BfA, and my NE Mage got the facial scar option in the barbershop because she ported into the fire looking for her and was overwhelmed by terrified Darnassians begging her for help. She ported many to Stormwind and leapt through her own portal only as she herself was on fire.

That was a rough day for the family.

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It was an event that did for the first time make me angry at the horde as a whole, not only Sylvanas.

My favorite WoW moment was seeing Sargeras put that sword through Azeroth. That was terrifying, his size was so cool to see in comparison to our world. It felt as epic as I always thought it would be.