Am I the only one who feels this way?
I’ve been reading up on the controversy surrounding how most of Blizzard hated the idea and I see people everywhere talking about how much they disliked it, and I’m over here like, “I’ve been waiting for them to do something like this since the beginning of WoW. This is amazing.”
All the fondness I have for Sylvanas comes from a.) Lament of the Highborne and b.) the Burning of Teldrassil.
It was the first time since WoW started that it felt like WarCraft. It was the first time I truly felt proud to be part of the Horde. Watching Sylvanas chase the hope from that broken elf’s eyes will linger as my fondest cinematic WoW memory, and I’m just wondering if I’m really the only one who feels this way.
Surely someone else out there loved the Burning of Teldrassil? I can’t be alone on this. How did it make you feel?
Bruh, the problem was never BFA’s lore. It was and is how Danuser tried / continues to try to retcon Afrasabi’s lore to redeem his waifu.
Wish we would have attacked Stormwind instead. Burning the tree down did nothing for the Horde. With the fall of UC, Alliance winning Darkshore and Stromgarde, Horde lost most of its territory. Yet alliance players keep moaning.
I don’t think she needs to be redeemed. I was angry when she betrayed the Horde because, up until then, I felt like she embodied what it meant to truly be Horde. We destroy our enemies. We show no mercy. Innocents are butchered alongside soldiers. No prisoners. Just blood and thunder. Gore-caked blades and bits of bone.
And then she betrays us and screams off into the sky and I’m like, “wut? So now we’re going back to holding hands with the humans and singing Kumbaya?”
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Man, that would’ve been a dream come true for me.
It would have, Alliance players should have been happy too, they would have either finally rebuild/updated Stormwind or updated Gilneas. Both would be wins for the Alliance.
Should have been Stormwind, not the place that is so fantastical and iconic in this game. Would have been like burning Thunderbluff.
I want to storm Stormwind and explode the Exodar. The new Alliance capital can be revamped and ultra fortified Ironforge and the Alliance will officially be renamed The Dwarven Alliance and since the humans are no longer in charge, we’d negotiate peace with them and help them regrow Teldrassil for the elves, who are also not humans.
In exchange, the Dwarven Alliance would throw their humans into the mountain’s lava flows as a Sacrifice/Peace offering, and would provide us with Gnomish assistants/maids.
Nah. Strength and honor are the values at the heart of the Horde.
She was definitely in the wrong, and I’m happy with Saurfang’s rebellion against her. The only flaw in this whole Sylvanas narrative is Danuser trying to redeem. You don’t put Humpty Dumpty back together, and you don’t Rise of Skywalker The Last Jedi. She’s a rotten apple and deserves to go.
All I will say about this ordeal is that once 9.2 is over, we probably won’t see her for at least two years, hopefully four to six.
Ah. This isn’t a serious thread. This is just trolling. Okay, count me out.
I sided with Sylvanas and remained a loyalist. 
Did you know that Humpty Dumpty was never an egg, but a cannon?
The horde hasn’t valued honor since Warcraft III. Let’s not kid ourselves.
We do value Blood and Thunder.
Burning of Teldrassil wasn’t the problem. The problem is that they had no clue where to bring it afterwards and now, we will see it was for nothing. There was no payoff. The writers had Sylvanas go off the rails, and then had her back down in Sanctum of Domination. She had literally no plan.
The even bigger kicker is that her reason for burning Teldrassil makes no sense in the grand scheme of things. It was to flood the maw with souls right? To break the Jailer free? The official population of Teldrassil was ~10,000 Night Elves/Worgen. Some were evacuated to Stormwind or were fighting in the War of Thorns. Let’s be generous and say that 8,000 people were killed in the burning.
The Shadowlands is the afterlife for ALL mortal souls in the Warcraft universe; every single planet. 8,000 deaths (even several million realistically) is a drop in the bucket; it is a meaningless amount of deaths in the Jailer’s play for freedom. She would have just been better off NOT burning the tree and having nobody turn on her so she could keep working in the shadows. It makes literally no sense.
Correction, they were the values at the heart of the horde. Now the true values are UwU and OwO
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Knowing Blizzard, they’d just leave it a ruin like they did Darkshore and be like: “WTF are you still playing Alliance? You guys lost. Horde is waiting for you - get over it.”
This thread is so trolly that I’m having a hard time believing even you feel this way.
It’s Shreds. They’re 100% serious, but also 100% out of their mind.
I would’ve been okay if the Burning of Teldrassil made sense both in character development and plot, but the only way to gauge that is the story that follows. For instance, the death of Ned Stark and the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones are tough to handle at the time, but then you discover they’re major pivots in masterful storytelling. Ned’s death sparks the war for the throne amongst the different Houses and destabilizes Westeros. The Red Wedding completely alters the course of said war, where the Starks hadn’t lost a battle and were sure to win against the Lannisters yet suddenly had to go on the run, their kingdom usurped.
Danuser isn’t George RR Martin. He doesn’t even understand the basic rules of writing such as Chekhov’s Gun, aka if you introduce a gun it needs to be fired. Tyrande was the gun that kind of fired but was full of blanks. Danuser is so enthralled with Sylvanas he can’t ever let her lose. Superhero movies/TV shows are the most guilty of doing something similar to this, like in WW: 1984 Wonder Woman supposedly lost her powers yet they continually return right when she needs them most, because it’s Wonder Woman. She was lassoing clouds by the end of that movie, and I still don’t understand where that power materialized from. I don’t remember that in the comics.