You would think open world casual play would be where the buffs feel the most impactful and you can now steamroll again?. NOPE it feels like the mobs have MORE hp to soak up our gains and absolutely nothing dies any faster. I was soloing rare elites down in the ringing depths and its still a snooze fest of slowly gumming things to death.
Oh and lightsmith still feels clunky to play until they take holy armaments off the gcd. All I care about is do the mobs die quick enough I’m not annoyed and does it feel fun to play. Right now it feels like we’re stalling out on a middling plateau. Back in beta I’d give prot a 9/10 and right now its about a 5/10.
edit: Also Divine Guidance’s damage feels weak now thanks to them overbuffing crusaderstrike/hammer of the righteous. I hate being pigeon-holed into talents and was forced to use lightsmith because templar was glitchy and weak. Now lightsmith feels like the glitchy and weak tree. Thanks
I was doing ~550k overall dps pre-patch and 750-800k post.
It’s undeniable the numbers moved but it doesn’t feel like anything’s easier if that explains anything. It feels like goal posts quietly moved along with it.
I wtfpwn world content and can do 11 delves as prot at 608 ilvl…lol. Feels good to me. Not going to lie I’m loving LS both prot and holy. Idk why people dislike it so much.
Cause we have a bunch of “theory crafters” who are trying to min-max by WoG spamming it when they don’t need to or are not getting any noticeable benefit from it. Only reason they are going oom 3+times per run.
Armaments on gcd feel terrible. How on earth am I supposed to keep building enough holy power for my 3 second mitigation and press AS and WOG and armaments??? I literally cannot.
I could just play guardian and have mitigation forever without even trying to.
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They last 20 second, you are being hyperbolic.
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Absorb shields make sense in pvp but they get in the way of threat generation from my experience which led me to question if lightsmith was intended for pvp all along.
I get over 90% sotr uptime with like 15% haste. The 1 global a minute for arms is nothing. WoG spam is not at all with doing right now. AS is low prio. I agree AS use sucks but it is what it is.
I’m being honest. It feels like garbage. It’s annoying to try and fit in with everything else.
I’m not sure how casting armaments once a minute is so terrible.
It’s not, however them being on the GCD while not generating holy power feels like a hiccup in our generation/spending rotation.
It’s a minor complaint at least in my mind.
?? Exactly how is it getting in the way of threat generation in modern wow?
Well I’m still at 10% haste and focused crit because we need judgements to crit as much as possible.
Instead of taking damage and generating threat from self healing you’re absorbing damage you would have healed. It’s such a simple concept.
People wonder “why don’t tanks have this problem when disc bubbles them?” and that’s because those tanks generate thret thru taunts and damage mostly. Sure we have a universal taunt but our damage is sub-par so we generate a good chunk of threat thru self healing and healing others. If our heals aren’t counting we generate less threat. It’s a unique situation for prot lightbringer because it has a big self-bubble and we either need to generate more threat thru little stuff or maybe just straight up make avenger’s shield have a built in taunt.
edit: and after playing a few long sessions since the recent buffs I will say things feel like they’re going in the right direction for Prot it just needs more tweaking.
You’re at 16% crit at the cost of using abilities 20% faster. It’s not worth prioritizing crit.
Our stat weights are:
That was a thing in old world wow when we would be auto attacking and going through a simple rotation. Back then conc did like zero threat generation and our only other AoE threat then was Avenger’s Shield.
We now have Avenger’s Shield spamming, Blessed Hammer, Divine Toll, Consecration, and most importantly Shield of the Righteous which generates a ton of aoe threat and damage.
You really don’t understand how our class functions.
I literally never have threat issues.
Same. If ever lose threat it’s because some dps, usually war, does 10mil dps 0.1s into the pull.
I don’t think absorbing damage has been relevant for tanking threat (not including classic) in literally more than a decade.
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I would have went with holy sheild blocking less since you don’t block when a bubble is up.
Hey feedback is feedback. Things feel like they’re right on the edge of being good and gear will probably fix that but I was expecting a greater impact from these “buffs”.
if you have this issue then your 100% not doing enough damage. this shouldnt be a issue at all