PLEASE remove minimum range. Not because I don’t position myself well in raids, but because my tanks run everything all over me every raid no matter where I stand. That’s the true DPS loss.
Oh also trap launcher not being affects by Hawk Eye is really annoying and inconsistent and makes the talent worthless
Sure, as long as melee can hit at 41yrds.
Terrible comparison. Not surprised you’re a 10 IQ FOTY Shaman player. Hunters are the only ranged class with a dead zone. Casters can freely cast in melee range.
All physical ranged attack have deadzones.
Why don’t we remove the deadzone for ALL ranged attacks/charge/intercept etc?
Oh wait, that’s retail.
Make all non-Holy Paladins useless again then because a relevant Ret and Prot Paladin is retail.
If we’re giving things away can I have kill shot type damage with SW:D?
Positioning is part of playing hunter. If you’ve never tanked, there is a lot more going on than just spamming your pve rotation. They have a harder job than you, work around them.
I’d rather they give hunter MD, when i get constantly deadzoned its cus im pulling threat. satura is literally awful as a hunter being constantly deadzoned.
not sure why hunters dont have MD at this point with how bursty the game is.
I’ve tanked plenty of times, the problem is sniper training, still. 2 stacks means nothing when there’s a delay on Blizzard’s side thinking I haven’t been standing still for 8 seconds.
But please do reread the OP where I said it’s not my positioning and that no matter where I stand I get screwed.
Plenty of these bosses also have ridiculously humongous hitboxes so you have to be 10 years away from them, but somehow those hitboxes don’t work for hitting them with traps that you have to pinhole.
Looking at your logs I think you do have a problem positioning yourself well in raids.
Boy oh boy I sure do love warcraft logs and how every sweat absolutely NEEDS to look at the logs for anyone’s opinion to be valid, such a crappy way of looking at the game and not what an MMO is about.
MMOs are not and should never have been hardcore ultra-super sweat games designed for you to sit there and slam your keyboard like a MOBA.
But I’ll give you a better reason why my logs aren’t all that great; Marksman has bad CDs.
The timing on multi/chimera/aimed shot and traps doesn’t match up, there is at least a 2-3 second window where I’m only auto attacking (unlike other classes who continue to have a rotation) and I can’t fill it with anything else because arcane shot is on the same CD as aimed shot.
Marksman simply just doesn’t do the same damage as other classes either. And with the ghosts on heroic AQ having to move every 10 seconds kills DPS faster than anything.
And also, even if I get myself in a spot where I don’t have to move, I’m inevitably going to be hit by AoE or other mechanics that I’ll have to move in anyway to get heals because I’m the one that’s too far from everyone else, not the other way around.
Other classes have gotten retail QoL, but hunters are still stuck in deadzone, unable to move while shooting and it drags it down if you aren’t playing melee survival, which I find boring as all hell and I’d play a warrior if I wanted to do that.
You are not playing hunter correctly, your rotation is wrong. If you actually looked at logs you might learn how to play your class instead of coming to the forums to complain for buffs that aren’t needed. There is no gap in MM rotation. I’m not even sure what rotation you’re doing as looking at a couple fights it looks like you just hit whatever shot you feel like. You should be doing trap > chim > trap > chim chim multi aimed repeat. There is no gap in that rotation.
Tip for ghosts, if you are positioned well you can just eat them because they really don’t hit that hard, its just the aoe that gets the raid. Position so you aren’t hitting anyone else with the ghost explosion and eat it if you want to parse.
There is a gap in the 2.5 rotation
He doesnt have 2.5
Why can a hunter in mail hit harder against plate than a plate wearer hitting against a clothie? Your autoshots doing 1.5 - 2k damage on plate i think you’re doing pretty damn well, and you’re still here asking for buffs LOL. Literally #1 dps class right now.
They’re simply giving you pointers, without being condescending, and you go on this huge tirade.
Hot damn, what is it with the total unwillingness to learn? I suppose pride truly is that sweet.
I have been crit for 3k by swd so i think yall already got that… and it ignores armor. Try kill shotting a war boomkin or shaman for 3k with a kill shot.
The real issue is the trap hit box. Bosses have massive hit boxes and you technically can shoot them from far away but you need to be closer then max range to land traps at the center of the boss its really lame.
As for BUM tanks they should just make it so i can kill my own team mates.