The bronze celebration tokens are missing, exactly 1382 of the character after the delogra 15 days ago and noth

The bronze celebration tokens are missing, exactly 1382 of the character after the delogra 15 days ago and nothing from the support helps me simply they disappeared were not exchanged and nothing help me

this guy has the exact same issue as you

Well, it’s me but I don’t have a response

If your guild bank goes missing, they will not help you.

If your currencies go missing when transferring, they will not help you.

If your gold goes missing in the warband bank, they will not help you.

If your honor levels go missing, they will not help you.

If your reputation levels disappear, they will not help you.

Based on what I’ve seen around here, they will not help you with this.


but maybe if OP keeps on making the same topic about the same bug report every few days, they will

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They would probably be wrong, since I’m pretty sure QA just disregards content-free bumps.

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What a joke I’m reporting a bug They did nothing