Sup guys. We’re The Boys, a group of semi decent players that have been friends for years and have raided together for years both as Mythic raiders, and casual heroic only raiders.
At serveral points of our time together we’ve tried making our own guild, however at this point we’ve come to accept that none of us really want the responsibilitys of a leadership postion, and just want to have fun playing the game together and with new friends.
What we’re looking for is a guild that been together for the a while and is stable, but could use a few more bodies and some new friends for Mythic+, Heroic raids, or even some (Casual)Mythic raiding depending on what your guilds’ goals are.
What you’d be getting with us is an established group of good players looking to take a more casual approach to the game(but still active), who are all eager to do content and make new friendships.
We also play a lot of other games together that we would love to play with others such as PoE, Sea of Thieves, Ultimate Chicken Horse, and frequent board game nights on Tabletop Simulator.
If you’re a horde guild that’s activly playing the game and would love more bodies and more friends, we’d love to hear from you.
Right now our player list/what they play is as follows.
Fivepercent - Priest(Any) Paladin(Prot/Holy) Mage
Hart - Paladin (Prot/DPS)
Ste - Warrior(DPS) Rogue Mage Priest(DPS)
Zindane - Rogue
Denzer - Mage
Mindful - Shaman(DPS) Rogue Warlock
Lost - Warlock DemonHunter(DPS)
Reknar - Warlock Shaman(Enhance) Hunter
Maybe some others at some point but these are the people I am 100% on.
To get in touch with me and The Boys my contancts are
Bnet: FivePercent#1797
Discord: Five#1773