Sup guys. We’re The Boys, a group of semi decent players that have been friends for years and have raided together for years both as Mythic raiders, and casual heroic only raiders.
At serveral points of our time together we’ve tried making our own guild, however at this point we’ve come to accept that none of us really want the responsibilitys of a leadership postion, and just want to have fun playing the game together and with new friends.
What we’re looking for is a guild that been together for the a while and is stable, but could use a few more bodies and some new friends for Mythic+, Heroic raids, or even some (Casual)Mythic raiding depending on what your guilds’ goals are.
What you’d be getting with us is an established group of good players looking to take a more casual approach to the game(but still active), who are all eager to do content and make new friendships.
We also play a lot of other games together that we would love to play with others such as PoE, Sea of Thieves, Ultimate Chicken Horse, and frequent board game nights on Tabletop Simulator.
If you’re a horde guild that’s activly playing the game and would love more bodies and more friends, we’d love to hear from you.
Right now our player list/what they play is as follows.
Fivepercent - Priest(Any) Paladin(Prot/Holy) Mage
Hart - Paladin (Prot/DPS)
Ste - Warrior(DPS) Rogue Mage Priest(DPS)
Zindane - Rogue
Denzer - Mage
Mindful - Shaman(DPS) Rogue Warlock
Lost - Warlock DemonHunter(DPS)
Reknar - Warlock Shaman(Enhance) Hunter
Maybe some others at some point but these are the people I am 100% on.
To get in touch with me and The Boys my contancts are
Bnet: FivePercent#1797
Discord: Five#1773
Hey man Absolute on Mal’Ganis is looking for some more raiders. We’re 5/9 M 9/9 H raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday 7-10 EST I don’t know that we can accommodate all of you right off the start but would be able to give everybody a fair shot at earning a spot. If you guys are willing/wanting to raid mythic at all add Rab#11453 and we can chat some more.
Hi Five,
Your post fits exactly what our guild caters to: We are a Heroic only guild that will do some casual Mythic (we’re 2/9M), and our goal each tier is a smooth AOTC which we have achieved every tier since the guild has formed. We have a lot of groups of friends who have joined, and it’s a really great gaming community.
A lot of our players are quite good at the game, but just prefer the more casual aspect of raiding. We also have quite a few folks who have mythic+ groups that push pretty high (we have a group who is around 1600io atm), along with other groups who will do 10’s each week.
The players and classes you listed fit our needs well, as we mainly are looking for DPS but there is always room for other specs (at this point we have people in on alts etc).
Would be happy to discuss more in game just shoot me a friend request: Stro#1662.
[Ancient Trials] is currently looking for Raiders to fill our raid team for Heroic/Mythic BOD & COS and for 8.2. We are currently 9/9H, 1/9M BOD and 2/2H COS. We have been raiding since 2014 as a guild on Mal’ganis, though many of us have played since vanilla.
Raid Times
Saturday 7:45pm - 11pm server
Sunday 6:45pm - 10pm server
Ranged DPS: Any
Melee DPS: DK, DH, Warrior, Rogue
Healer w/ DPS off spec: Holy Priest, MW Monk, or Resto Shaman
What we expect
Be a part of our community - Join in and group up as often as possible
Know your class - Be prepared to learn and improve to do your best
Communication - Be able and ready to join our Discord server
Positive attitude - Treat each other with respect
Any questions or requests to join can be directed to:
Hitem#1860 Real ID / Hitem#5249 Discord
Retribution has been around since vanilla, and we are currently looking for some more people. Specifically, 1-2 tanks, and some DPS. We get AoTC every tier and then casually try some mythic, but we aren’t very serious about pushing mythic.
We raid Tues/Weds 9-1130 EST
Add me in game Sunde#1384, or Tarp#1854
Hi Five.
I sent you a Btag request.
Feel free to check us out:
Resurgence is a friendly, mature guild looking for competent and level headed raiders for our Main Raid Team (9/9H 3/9M BoD and 2/2H CoS) and to strengthen our Mythic+ groups as well. Whether you’d like to Raid and run Mythic+ or just one of the two we’re opening the doors currently.
We’re active in discord and are always looking for other active players seeking to have fun with the Guild. However, we always welcome to new social/casual players as well.
Our main goal next tier (8.2) is to get AoTC on the first 2 weeks and progress on Mythic IF we have players that are committed to attendance of the schedules, open to criticism and trying to improve.
Tuesday and Thursday 9pm - 12am EST
We are mainly looking for RANGED DPS RIGHT now.
Also looking for someone that can off roll tank and heals if needed.
ALL - Especially Tanks.
Hey Boys,
Fathom is a friendly Horde mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis, we raid Fri and Sat 8:00pm to 11:00pm CST and are recruiting for an 8.2 rebuild. We’re also a group of mates that have been raiding together for a long time, and enjoy playing other games together etc. Would love to have a chat with you some time.
You can check us at: [H] <Fathom> 4/9M, 2 day: Fri/Sat, LFM
Our website at Fathom Gaming,
Or add an officer to BNet for a chat: Olly#1460, Cutegrampy#1884, Toe#1826
Hi Boys,
I’m Antrus from Spectral. I’ve sent a Btag and Discord request and would love to talk to you guys about potentially joining up. We’re currently 6/9M and could use a solid influx of players to round out our roster. Let me know when a good time to talk to you guys would be!
Earth go hard, current prog 3/9m Bod 2/2H cos
we raid Saturday and Sunday nights 8-11est
we have solid core group of 15 people right now
we are currently looking to fill our mythic roster, as well as start building a bench for back ups. 8.2 we plan on pushing mythic content pretty hard if this is something you would be interested in. You can get in touch with me on bnet @pailos#1956
Earth Go Hard is still looking at you guys. We are 5/9M now
Hello Fivepercent!
Wubs and Friends is an AMAZING team of real friends. We are looking for more player commited to doing mythic EP. Looking for an active team that does mythic plus together - this is your team. Please, consider applying to WUBS AND FRIENDS! R3! Thank you!
Wubs and Friends - CoS AOTC BoD AOTC (10pm - 1am CST, (T*)W/Th)
Part of the fantastic community of US-Mal’Ganis, W&F wants to have a fairly relaxed raid schedule with a team of 25+ like-minded individuals who want to party.
If this sounds like the team for you, contact Oneg#11294 to chat, or visit SeraphGuild .com for a QUICK google form application.
Seraph of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on server for over nine years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
- Core raids for each team
- Community raids open to all
- Legacy & achievement events open to all
- M+ Dungeons
- Twitch hosting for raiders
- Social Media promotion
- Active guild discord
- Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams has unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild. com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
- Color Blind - CoS AOTC, BoD AOTC 8/9M (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438, jaymie#11120
- Blacklisted - CoS AOTC, BoD AOTC 4/9M (6:30pm - 9:30pm CST, T/Th) - Yubbination#1974,
- Wubs & Friends - CoS AOTC, BoD AOTC (10pm - 1am CST, (T*)W/Th) - Oneg#11294
Guild Master : Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
Visit SeraphGuild. com for more information, and watch us raid at !
We are always looking for exceptional applicants.
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