The bots today

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But they did actually do a ban wave not that long ago. All the bots were cleared out of SP.

I mean, yeah, the boosts went on sale. Of course there are going to be more bots. Blizzard doesn’t care lol. They just want the botters subscription/boost fees.


It’s kind of smart if you think about it.

Ban them, let them buy more boosts, and then ban them again.

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Maybe if they insta banned. It takes like, 3 days for a boosted botted 58 to pay for itself and anything longer is worth it to the botter.

When they let it go for months between ban waves it doesn’t do anything at all.

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Well, personally, I like bots. Every time there’s a ban wave prices shoot up and that sucks.


except this has been proven false, at one time long in the past bots used hacked accounts but this is no longer the case. They simply buy them in a region where it costs them the least amount and the money made back within a few days pays for the account tenfold. The idea that the people running bots behave as they did back in 2006-2008 is what is “laughably ridiculous”

           Linking a post by a BLIZZARD EMPLOYEE explaining why the company isn't doing anything nefarious is about as genuine as asking a member of the mafia if their boss is commiting crimes. Of course they don't hop on the forums and admit anything, it wouldn't be in their best interest to do so because it would probably cost them their job.

       Bots have evolved and are 100% a part of the cycle of life for blizzard and their ability to make money, and only the most dedicated ostrich with their head in the sand debates this issue with any veracity. 

     If blizzard does such a great job of combating bots then answer me this....why havent they region locked servers? Why havent they disabled the use of VPNs/made using them bannable? These two things would remove the majority of the botting problem overnight and require no banwaves at all. You might fool the simpletons with your CS link....heck you might even be able to fool yourself, but you DO NOT fool those of us with a brain. We know what blizzard has become, and that their greed is what drives them....and nothing you can say will change that because the truth is far more obvious that the attempts by you, others like you, and blizzard themselves to obsfucate and muddy the waters.
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He knows it’s a lie but he likes to post it anyway.

How would they do this?

I just report anything I suspect is a bot.

  • Gibberish name
  • Usually guildless
  • Aggressive/incessant farming tactics
  • Crap gear
  • Does not respond to whispers, if you happen to send one

Id ignored someone like you too.

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Bots are good for the game. they are fun to watch outsmart players.

Because there’s is legitimate reasons to do both of those?

Meanwhile, dozens of prot paladins getting banned for manually farming Stratholme.

GG Blizz.


i don’t pretend to know HOW this is done…i do however know it IS done quite often with other companies and their online games, specifically ones that do not allow using multiple accounts at once, as VPN is a way to circumvent this. The ability to make it a bannable offence and detect vpn usage exists, and has for quite some time.

I don’t think that situation is as cut and dry as people make it seem.

I do strat farming, multiple people in my guild do strat farming, none of us have been banned.

I’m not saying that there wasn’t some mis-bans in there, but a lot of people do try to play it off like they’re not doing anything outside of ToS when they are.

If they were JUST banning for farming strat I probably wouldn’t be here and nor would about 10 of my guildmates.

Whats a legitimate reason to NEED a vpn to play wow?

Bad routing, its the same reason I need a vpn to play FFXIV.

Without a VPN I DC 1/2 the dungeons I join, with one I get a better ping AND don’t DC.

Which companies prevent people from using VPNs, while playing their games?

False, just because you and your 10 friends avoided the ban hammer doesn’t mean anything. That sample size is small enough to be statistically insignificant when compared to the amount of players out there. friends of mine were banned(eventually lifted after many MANY tickets) for similar things in classic for mage farming/boosting looking too similar to bots.