The boat appears in a flash out at sea (in the fatigue zone) as it is leaving, but you never get an opportunity to board. This is on Bleeding Hollow (if that matters). Why did you remove the portal?! Please bring it back. You’ve got a bunch of players just sitting here not able to make it to the new expansion areas.
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Also not working on MG.
EDIT: There are groups popping up in group finder that are summoning people.
Not working in Grizzly Hills either
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Not working on Cenarius as well D:
Bladefist has this same boat issue. same as on launch last night.
There is no bug more important than this. You literally have customers unable to make it into the zones of the new expansion. Whatever other thing you’re working on, stop. I don’t care who you have to call. It needs addressed tonight. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Tonight. I know you’ve got the tech for a portal (as it was up last night). Turn it back on.
I found a workaround