The same Helfers who already ignore the story progression of them being Horde, so they’ve managed to ignore the story but pay attention to this one little side story that would never have happened for obvious game play reasons and story reasons and really just added to the why Garrosh wasn’t good for the Horde as a whole thread because he on an individual level with each race had problems
Oh hell no, that was never going to happen. At that point though, there had been players asking for years why Blood Elves stayed Horde, and not without good reason. In Lor’themar’s short story you had Sylvanas basically strong-arming him into the Northrend conflict when the Blood Elves were in no condition to do so, and then you had Garrosh treating them as disposable fodder in his personal war to establish Orcish racial supremacy. All that on top of the Alliance being the ones to restore the Sunwell, and it really left this strange question open.
Even Metzen himself said the Blood Elves never really fit into the Horde.
He said that because of Belves being pretty. Not because the Horde never really had their backs.
It wasn’t even about the Horde having their backs or not. It was about how well certain races fit into their factions and the story.
Anyways, speaking for myself, I don’t really care that Blood Elves are Horde? I just think its funny that people play them up as this unshakable pillar of the Horde when they haven’t really been that ever. Now that Lor’themar is the most senior member of the Horde on it’s council, I’d argue there’s more room for that kind of perspective, but at the end of the day we did just have ANOTHER split from the elves in Quel’Thalas over faction loyalty.
Seriously, the Void Elf story was stupid…
I’m not playing them as an unshakable pillar. I was point blank saying their survival is better with the Horde. So I’m not sure what you are on about. And racials are a game mechanic. Nothing to do with lore.
The OP was which was where my original reply to the thread came from.
I mean… I’d argue this is debatable, but if time has told us anything, being on the side OF the genocidal maniacs tends to reduce the chances of your people being the ones to suffer genocide. So, yeah, you’re right in that regard.
The OP is trolling for a joke.
And the only way the second is debatable is by trying to cherry pick things like the Garrosh situation without telling the whole story.
Or like trying to say Belves were an Alliance race when even when they were Helves, the Alliance was tentative. And ended with the second war because Anasterian didn’t feel the Alliance had Helf concerns and interests at heart. Then when Kael gave them a second chance, he was forced out by having to escape a death sentence. Talk about not really being a pillar.
Well, it’s Crug. Of course they’re trolling as a joke. But Crug is cool, so it’s always fun to troll back a little.
I agree. I laughed at it.
Just here to say that the Silver Covenant should have been an alliance playable faction and the blood elves a enemy npc faction that gets wiped out.
Second war starts as the Horde seeks world domination and marches toward lordaeron and the dwarven kingdoms, Quel’thalas is the most reluctant of all the alliance and only puts up a token army against this world ending threat and let’s the human and dwarf populations fight the war almost entirely on their own.
Horde forces reach Quel’thalas border and begin to assist the Amani for a short time burning down part of their forest causing the elves to abandon the alliance, even though the majority of their population was hiding behind the elf gates the entire time living lives of luxury while a demonic horde was burning it’s way across the rest of the continent.
Remaining Alliance forces win the war, Scourge outbreak occurs and the undead apocalypse begins. Gilneas and Quel’thalas both refuse to aid Lordaeron and the only forces that originate from these places are those that defied their respective kings and snuck out.
Lordaeron falls apart and Quel’thalas now faces the Scourge alone, loses 90% of it’s population in a single attack.
Kael’thas joins forces with Garithos against the undead apocalypse and doesn’t seem to understand why Garithos, a veteran of the second war who lost his family and everyone from his home town to the Horde didn’t like the Blood elves who cowered behind their walls for so long, while Garithos was fighting against massive orcs, trolls, Ogres and undead watching his comrades get decapitated, disemboweled and eaten by the various foes they faced. Dead in the mud never to return to their families while High elves threw parties and lived it up in Quel’thalas.
The Silver Covenant represents the most honorable of the high elves, those who always went to help because it was the right thing to do.
Blood elves represent Anasterian who was selfish and uncaring of those they deemed to be a lesser race, opportunists who only use others to protect themselves.
Yup, go you good things! Fly that Horde banner high! Teach them about aesthetics that aren’t limited to metal spikes! Bestow upon them the gift of plumbing!
Exhibit A of the kind of a-holes I mentioned above, guys.
Certainly I don´t think OP is trying to cause REAL drama nor taking the topic of the thread remotely seriously; however one does get a little annoyed when people like THIS one jump to sel their “but MUH Helves / MUH mudhut Hurde!!” agenda.
Better question, why should we take into account the words of the previous pro misogyny dev team, again?
I mean just read his words: “it´s like a bunch of white chicks hanging out with goblin or tauren” a.k.a. efeminates hamging out with the “macho” dudes.
And people wonders why these people got kicked in the proverbial butt by a lawsuit. Morons.
What an enlightening and mature response, a fine example of the common Blood Elf. Thank you.
Is a neutral organization that is apart of Dalaran a neutral Kingdom.
Oh, so the Silver covenant doesnt favor the Alliance and the sunreaver don’t favor the Horde? They totally don’t show up again later in MoP and have daily quests that involve fighting each other and sending alliance and Horde forces out to fight for them?
Quel’thalas has been aligned with the Horde for longer than it ever was with the Alliance by this point.
If you can’t accept that by now, you never will.
I hope you realize that they aren’t really a Blood Elf…
As mature as you QQing over Belves being a Horde race for more than a decade?
Cause excuse me, but me thinks you take the proverbial cake in regards to childishness by that fact alone.
Next time you feel like taking the moral highground, pay attention to your own behaviour first, jerk.
I didn’t insult you though.
Please though, continue.
It won’t accomplish anything but provide another example of Blood elf players getting mad when their favorite race is called out for bad writing that doesn’t make any sense.
I thought everyone was what they look like on the internet, are Tauren players not actually Minotaurs?