Our elf gates will not be breached again. Your insolence has been noted for a long time now, but still we remain.
Our Brilliant Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron holds an important and prestigious position within the Horde. Giving our people a voice inside one of the mightiest forces on Azeroth!
Didn’t see you humans helping them out after the scourge wars - in fact I distinctly remember a genocidal captain who tried really hard to exterminate the last of the high elves…
Maybe I heard wrong! But that sounds like enough reason to hate the alliance!
I still love ya and we’re friends of course, but this new Belf Crug doesn’t carry the same gravitas as the old orc warlord, “Defender if the the Horde” Crug did.
I’m not sure if it’s the Belf aspect or the Demon Hunter…
Anyways, glad to see ya back and active on Wyrmrest Accord.
I’m game any night of the week for more raids on Alliance capitals.