The Blood Elves are proud members of the Horde

I understand your point of view on this and will respect your opinion.

To explain my mention of bad writing I meant the transition from WC3 to TBC, not the entire WC2-3 story, in my mind what blizzard decided on for how the story of Quel’thalas went after WC3 doesn’t make logical sense.

It does to me because of survival. And their best bet for survival at the time was Thrall’s Horde. Which was very different from Blackhand’s. As far as Belves new, the Alliance wanted them dead. So the Alliance wasn’t an option.


I’m sorry, perhaps I didn’t explain what I meant in the appropriate fashion.

When I say Silver Covenant should have been a playable alliance faction I’m talking about during TBC, as they split off from Quel’thalas and didn’t agree with what those who remained were doing. That in my mind, the elves who left would’ve been more appropriate as a playable race than the ones who remained and indulged in Arcane addictions, fel and torture of a Naaru.

Not quite the Silver Covenant faction itself but rather the elves who make up it’s population.

Those Elves are neutral or returning to Quel’thalas

Says the human. An evolved primate.


The people of Silvermoon will be liberated!

For Quel’thalas!

A Human beating their chest like a gorilla claiming they are a “proud Horde race” would look just as ridiculous.

Orcs beating their chests, yelling “For the Horde!”, “Lok’tar ogar!” and similar stuff is super common. Maybe you don’t understand what being an Orc means.



/moo :cow:

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Belive it or not. I’m not trolling. I’m roleplaying :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Blood Elves should have been kicked out of the Horde a long time ago!

Only bc Blizzard is trying to force us to hang out in Org. If Silvermoon had a portal room I know a ton of ppl who’d hang out there instead of Org, myself included.


A crack elite squad of Elves.

Spare the huge split from Quel’thalas story angle, blue eyes are back and it’s been hinted at for years that neutral or otherwise High Elves returning could be in the cards for story telling too.

I never said it was a, ‘huge,’ split, just another. It was dumb. How many times are they going to split Quel’Thalas anyways?

I’m surprised you didn’t bring up the 2 elves from BC in the square as another “split”.

For all we know those two elves are now part of the crack elite squad.

Literal scraping the bottom of the barrel to look for splits from Quel’thalas.

Well, they got mind controlled into happy state-loyal Blood Elves, so that’d be kind of dumb. There have only been two splits.

High Elves
Void Elves

That’s it. It’s still about two too many.

Never going to happen.

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Blood Elves are High Elves.

The majority actually to if you do recall the devs statements on Alliance High Elves being far and few between a rare site, it’s why the SC being Alliance is fan fiction.

Another post I bookmarked for its relevancy.

Kind of hard claiming a rare site few and far between represents a split from Quel’thalas the majority of the High Elves.

humans and high elves fighted together the amani trolls before they even known orcs existed

The Orcs came in the first war. Ashes of Quel’thalas was the second war. The humans for sure knew about the Orcs. The second war was when the Helves were fighting back against the Amani.