O nvm sounds like it is fixed since you posted that and i answered lol
Yup, looks like it’s fixed. Just did it, but I also did get the red book on the table someone else suggested. Located at 46.11, 56.10 to be more exact).
That’s what people were saying on my realm but only two were able to do it in the time I was trying to get through it - I got so frustrated after an hour and a half of doing the same thing over and over again that I logged off. I get and appreciate a good challenge but that is asinine. To read that it even has to be the exact same spell? Fudge all the way off.
My husband and I finally got it done. I found a 5 minute buff called Blazing boneplate at 46.25, 56.00 (molten forge section). The mobs will kill themselves on the shield , just make sure you are standing a bit behind that blacksmith. Then just kill the final guy and you can loot the piece you need.
i have the same problem as afury warrior