The one with the 2 mobs was fine enough. For the one with 3 I had to dispel magic the shields away and get them all down to where one of my few AOE’s would finish them all off
I’m actually pretty mad with how frustrating this has been to try over and over, and how much time I have wasted. I was really enjoying the expansion but with the other bugs I’ve seen, plus this one they are making me a bit angry to be honest. Thanks blizzard, the small indie game company. Please fix your shjt
cmon blizz ive been doing this all day to no luck this is actually stuffed
@blizzard - I have spent the last almost 2 hours trying to get past this on an alt. Did it fine on Saturday night, no issues on my main. This needs to be fixed. Makes me not want to do the campaign, and I loved it on my main.
@blizzard plz
Same problem
Same. Please fix
If enough people report they HAVE to see this. The reset is tomorrow so they NEED to see this. I had to opt my ALT OUT of the campaign to continue and I don’t think many people will be wanting to take that “out”.
LMAO finally got it with my Prot Pally, had to kill the groups of 2 and the group of 3 at the exact same time… what a nightmare. Only took me two hours to get lucky enough to get a simultaneous kill on them with Shield of the Righteous.
I have the same problem with this, endless mobs. I’m questing on my own though.
Same problem here!
I’m running with two of my friends that are on their first toons going through SL, and mine is an alt (another toon of mine is already 60). I can opt out of the campaign, but my friends can’t so it would defeat the purpose of running together. This is BEYOND lame !!!. @blizzard FIX YOUR CRAP! Don’t leave us stuck here not being able to progress any further.
Wasted about an hour on this; no matter how closely the mobs’ deaths are to each other - no completion.
Finding this to be impossible on my prot warrior. I can get the first two to die in the same hit if I’m very careful, but there’s just too much variance from bleeds and crits on the three. Please fix this so we can progress!
I am having the same issue. Pretty shocked they haven’t responded to this yet. Literally can’t progress the campaign.
Same. Im a Blood Dk and it seems impossible. I can kill 2 at same time but 3rd always goes down a second late and boom… gotta start over
Okay, just finished it - you literally have to kill them at the same time, WITH THE SAME ATTACK, no dots or second attacks. For a mob that casts armor on itself, this is so stupid.
I switched to shadow from disc to try it again and it was impossible to beat the first wave. I do not have an accessibility issue, but I can imagine someone who does would have an even harder time completing this quest. Guess I’ll wait until this quest is fixed, or bypass-able.
Same happened to me on my main Blood DK. beyond messed up. I just submitted a ticket to @blizzard
i just finished the quest. oof