The Black Prince Reputation

So as a "completionist", I'm trying to currently get all reputations (possible since 2 were removed) to Exalted. Currently there are 100 or 101 reputations that can get to exalted. That being said, for the 100 exalted reputations mount, there is one reputation that will take me 66 weeks to get to exalted, and that is The Black Prince. I was wondering since I did come AFTER MoP, there are no mobs available to farm so I can only attack the celestials for 500 rep each week. Just wondering if the Devs will ever change this???
Do the mogu on Thunder Isle not give rep anymore?
For people who joined AFTER MoP, they sadly do not give reputation :( Which means 66 weeks left of weekly celestial killing for one of my characters! :(
11/04/2018 06:38 PMPosted by Teneea
Do the mogu on Thunder Isle not give rep anymore?

They only give up to revered now :/

It's horrible for people like the OP who weren't playing back in MoP. It takes almost a year of killing the Celestials each week to hit exalted.
Wow that's ... special. The rep was a joke to get during the expansion, don't see why they needed to make it so lengthy for people who didn't play it.
I'm just hoping the Devs see this conversation and decide to change the rep system with just that one reputation! :) Hoping for the best haha.
I just got this on my other Main, in Legion (to exalted, finally.) She was started in Vanilla, then did all the expansions up to now.

You had to START getting it back then( the Rep, in Pandaria times), which allows you to finish now (on Kills alone, though she did bother to do at least one Celestial, for the heck of it.)

She must have been close, because not even very many kills got her to exalted (on the Mogu, in that area.) I believe she was trying to farm that Voodoo looking "Mog Bow", which drops there. She ended up getting bored, buying the bow for 20 K or something from the AH.

As little time as it took, I was surprised she did not complete it back then? I can't recall why, think there were just so many reps/things to raise in Panda Land. She only recently went back, raising a bunch in Legion (some were easy, by camping a Dino spawn for the tokens that raise them, though she still never got the stupid mount =/)

No, the devs have expressed no interest in changing stuff like that. It is a perk of doing/starting it at the time.

At least one person tweeted it, with no response (Black Prince Rep Request), when Warcraftdevs tweeted about how you could get both those Centaur reps to exalted now.

WarcraftDevs on Twitter: "We've just applied a hotfix to the game to ...

Jul 20, 2018 - Blizzard Ent. in Irvine, CA ..... Any news about grinding Black prince rep more than event on Timeless for 500 rep a week? 0 replies 0 retweets 1

Recent Wowhead posts, in comments, clarifying how you had to start it before:

By Snullerberg (685 – 3·7) 24 days ago (Patch 8.0.1)

Been reading a lot of comments and it seems like if you initially just started/finished part of the questline during MoP you can now still get rep through grinding mobs in various areas such as isle of thunder BUT if you joined WoW after Draenor i think the only way is to kill celestial on timeless for 500 rep a piece weekly with no rep buff.

Ogrot 13 days ago (Patch 8.0.1)

This is correct.
Have you tried the enemy faction npcs in Krasarang Wilds?
I started toward the end of MoP, and I had a little buff that would have given me triple rep for Black Prince (or something like that). I didn't make it to the Timeless Isle until sometime during WoD.

I guess it was just one of those things they planned in advance to screw over new players.
11/04/2018 06:50 PMPosted by Teneea
Wow that's ... special. The rep was a joke to get during the expansion, don't see why they needed to make it so lengthy for people who didn't play it.

I don't think killing thousands of Mogu, each giving a tiny bit of rep to be a joke. I did it quite a few times as part off the legendary cloak quest line and I doubt I smiled once.
Update: 65 more weeks until I get exalted with The Black Prince now! -_- Got another 550 rep from the celestials :) Woo can't wait until next year to hit exalted :P
I started the rep in the last patch of Warlords, and finished it in the last patch of Legion. It's an ordeal, yes, but there are a few ways to make it better.

1) Get the Emperor of Shaohao rep up enough to buy the teleport trinket, so that you can get to the Island quickly each week.

2) Work the rep into your cycle of old raid reputations. Hydraxian Warlords takes about 21 weeks to complete, so if you cycle through them once each week it becomes a habit and you won't forget.

3) This one doesn't really apply to you since you're level 120, but for others looking to start before max level (100+)... if you are struggling to kill the bosses solo, search the island for the Celestial Shrines and try to get one of the buffs. It should push you just over the limit to beat them.

4) Remember that you're doing it just for the rep count. Wrathion won't give you anything for reaching exalted, and you won't unlock any old questlines either. It's only a contributing count to the Esteemed title, so don't fret if you forget a week.
11/04/2018 09:01 PMPosted by Tori
11/04/2018 06:50 PMPosted by Teneea
Wow that's ... special. The rep was a joke to get during the expansion, don't see why they needed to make it so lengthy for people who didn't play it.

I don't think killing thousands of Mogu, each giving a tiny bit of rep to be a joke. I did it quite a few times as part off the legendary cloak quest line and I doubt I smiled once.

It was a joke.

Try Timbermaw rep when classic is released.
11/07/2018 11:53 AMPosted by Archona
It was a joke.

Try Timbermaw rep when classic is released.

Or Cartel rep without tanking your Bloodsail rep.
11/07/2018 10:28 AMPosted by Zulalas
Update: 65 more weeks until I get exalted with The Black Prince now! -_- Got another 550 rep from the celestials :) Woo can't wait until next year to hit exalted :P

Assuming you don't miss any week :)
11/07/2018 11:56 AMPosted by Seije
11/07/2018 11:53 AMPosted by Archona
It was a joke.

Try Timbermaw rep when classic is released.

Or Cartel rep without tanking your Bloodsail rep.

Pristine Black Diamonds
