Curious if anyone has farmed The Black Prince rep during BfA or Legion? if you have, what kills give rep?
There’s a good amount of information out there but I’ve only seen info about it that’s a few years old, nothing real recent.
It seems the answer to your question is a question itself? From what I found on Wowhead.
Did you discover the rep in MoP? If so you can grind on Isle of Thunder and finish it out fairly easily as kills will reward rep to exalted and would likely take around an hour or so.
If not, the only way to get the rep is 500 per week doing the Celestial Trail World Boss Encounter on Timeless Isle.
I was thinking about this last night. He is one of the few pandaria reps I don’t have maxed.
I wasn’t playing WoW during MoP. I stopped mid Cataclysm then came back for Legion. Ty for the clarification.
What about the old Zandalar rep from vanilla? Can you even still get rep for that one?
No you can’t
Because they got removed coming Cataclysm and then became a hostile group
From Wowhead: " Apparently impossible to rep up with these guys now. Don’t bother, move the rep faction to inactive so it doesn’t bug you"
There is a quest still for them in Zul’Gurub, not sure if it gives rep though.
Are you the same Copperfield from Shattered Hand way back in the day by chance?
nope, this toon has always been on Dalaran server