The Black Prince rep

I have been working on rep for multiple factions trying to get the 100 exalted achievement. I have been searching on how to gain rep with the faction “The Black Prince.” Unfortunately I have not been able to find anything that actually works. I believe that this may be a dead rep I can not acquire anymore. Please help me out with a conformation that I can not gain the rep or can not acquire it anymore.

Thanks in advance,
A grateful mage.

assuming that you did not do the quests in MoP for the legendary cloak, the only way I know of to gain rep with the black prince is to go into the arena on timeless isle and beat one of the 4 celestials, once a week, for 500 rep.


I am only friendly with The Black Prince. I did not play MoP at the time, I took a break after Cata till near the end of WoD when I came back to the game. After I beat enough celestials and get to honored… can I go kill isle of thunder mobs and get rep?

fraid not; the isle creatures only give rep if you did the legendary quests. It’s celestials every week for a year and a half.

Blizz needs to remove the rep achieve from tab then. Not fair that it still shows even when it is no longer available.

This particular reputation achievement is still obtainable in-game. Blizzard only removed the reputation grinds that were part of the quest-line for the legendary cloak.

As a result of this, Blizzard made it so you can only grind 500 reputation per week by killing the world boss on Timeless Isle.

I understand this may be frustrating to those that missed out on getting easier rep back in Mists of Pandaria. However, At least Blizzard left the grind in the game in some sort of form rather than removing it completely.

At this time, I’m only aware of (2) factions that have been removed completely and turned into Feats of Strength. Those are Shen’dralar and Zandalar Tribe.

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Thank you. I had looked on wowhead and was reading comments. It seemed they were saying one could no longer get rep for Black Prince if one didn’t have cloak.

Nope. The legendary cloak that was part of the quest-line for this particular faction is not needed to gain reputation from the world boss in Timeless Isle. :slight_smile: