The Black dragonflight has a new leader *spoiler*

Here your new Earth Warder!

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have they gotten their powers back yet? and how do we stop them from doing so?

I am kind of disappointed after playing the quest, they certainly rushed the entire storyline of the Black dragons compared too the blue dragons.

Like 10.0 was a thing and that was there for the sake of conflict with Wrathion vs Sabellian(While character assassinating Wrathion and making him look worst, worst for the sake of the plot. (I would’ve liked if Wrathion and Ebyssian got more dialogue other than 8.3, like can we have Wrathion DO something other than sit there majority of 10.1?)

While on top of that we have Ebyssian shoved in there who hanged out with Emberthal MORE than the black dragons and he’s suddenly Black Aspect? Like hello why should any black dragons follow him when it was so obvious of a choice since Beta but they gave him no story development at all.

Let’s also mention how overly aggressive centrist he was in 10.1 and only thing I liked about Ebyssian was him and Sabellian going after Fyrakk there was good story development then it’s like a train getting derailed for the rest of the story. (Like hello why is ‘Ambition bad’ and not like ‘individuals making terrible decisions bad’ Like gives the wrong message.)

It’s obvious the entire 10.1 storyline/main one was rushed too release and I feel like it’s due to the RTO policy on the employees.

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Think I saw something on Twitter where the staffing issues are so bad they’re having to make decisions on what to ship and what to cut, and that’s just for WoW. Think I read elsewhere Blizzard has turned into a revolving door for employees.

WoW is already in a fragile state. If Blizzard doesn’t have the employees to even keep the lights on, I’m starting to genuinely worry about not only the game’s future, but Blizzard’s ability to operate at the level it does. I don’t think they’ll close their doors at any point soon, but I would not be surprised at all to see a significant reduction in the projects they’re working on.


Name a better team than Blizzard and systematic abuse of its employees.

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that is a problem. The payment isn’t all that great what I heard and lot employees wanted work from home.


Blizzard is said to deliberately underpay compared to industry standard to coast off their past reputation as a great workplace, coupled with that Irving California has a very high cost of living.

I honestly don’t understand why they thought this was a good idea. I will give Ybarra the shadow of doubt that it didn’t originate from him, and was done by suits above him.

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No wonder why people are leaving the company.


It’s wild how every aspect of Blizzard is steadily being boiled down to the same quality and care their writing departments offer.


Eh, I disagree. The art team has done some phenomenal work in Dragonflight and the Trading Post is probably one of the best ideas to come out of the game in over a decade.


Happy with the decision but I might have some slight moo bias :flushed:

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Agree trade post helps RPer’s alot.

and he will get a new model for his dragon form soon.


I wanted Sabellion and Wrathion’s roles to be important but Ebyssian to accept the role of aspect so I’m also happy with this. So far most I’ve run into who aren’t are just pulling the ‘omg blizz didn’t do it MY way so it’s BAD’ instead of just acknowledging that their opinions on what’s right are just that, opinions and not fact. :joy:

I hope he gets a new model for this! <3


Called that story beat a mile away. lol