Why is it red?
Cus blood.
Old god blood.
Maybe the word “Black” in Black Blood isn’t referencing the color of the blood but the nature of the blood.
To attract manari and then do nefarious things to them.
…you ask too many questions for Khaz Algar, the Titans won’t tolerate disobedience.
Same reason black coffee is really just brown if you pour it into a glass.
Is that a big trouble little china gif?
Cus if it is i love you.
You never could beat me, Egg Shen.
You can’t just ask blood why it’s red…
On a serious note, perhaps it’s a leftover prop from Revendreth.
Black meaning EVUL
I think it means corrupted blood, but we already had a corrupted blood…and it created the biggest moment in WoW history. So they probably decided to go with a different name.
old gods are colorblind, confirmed
what happened to the black blood of yogg’saron? why is there a different black blood that’s actually red and the fat elves like orwena can’t tell the difference
How are they fat?
because it has eredar blood in it. inb4 angry billy gif.
Fear the old blood.